Thursday, November 24, 2016

Chapter 2 Bread, Fifty Foods That Change The Course of History by Bill Price

Book: Fifty Foods That Changed The Course of History
Author: Bill Price
ISBN: 978-1-77085-427-7

Chapter 2: Bread

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1. Name the 3 most important grasses to humans.
2. Who has a theory that cooking was one of the main driving forces behind human evolution, allowing for an increase in brain size because of the greater amount of energy made available to us in food when it is cooked compared to when it is raw?
3. What is the first processed food?
4. What were the stones to grind the grain called?
5. What did the first bread look like?
6. Leavened bread was being made _________ years ago.
7. Where was leavened bread being made?
8. What was the earliest form of writing?
9. Where was the earliest form of surplus of wheat produced that allowed others to specialize in different trades?
10. What was the first type of specialized tradesmen?
11. Breweries and bakeries were usually located together about 6,000 years ago.  True or False
12. What does the "Book of Exodus" say the children of Israel left Egypt without?
13. What does the "Book of Exodus" say they ate during their flight?
14. What is matzo?
15. What is chametz?
16. What was the creation of the Jewish tradition of eating matzo?
17. In which ritual feast have three matzos on the center of the table?
18. What is a karpas?
19. What does the karpas symbolize?
20. Why is the bread dipped in salty water before being eaten?
21. What is Haroset?
22. What does Haroset look like?
23. What are the two bitter herbs?
24. What is used to signify the bitterness of slavery in Egypt?
25. What does the roasted shank bone of a lamb or goat (z'roa) stand for?
26. What does the roasted hard-boiled egg mean?
27. Bread also plays a central role in the Christian ritual of the Eucharist.  True or False
28. What type of bread did the Eastern Orthodox Church in Constantinople believe Christ used during the Last Supper?
29. What type of bread did the Roman Catholic Church in Rome believe Christ used during the Last Supper?
30. Was there a poor harvest in France in 1789?
31. Did the price of wheat rocketed in 1789 in France?
32. Who set himself on fire in Tunisia that started the Arab Spring?

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