Thursday, December 26, 2013

My Brother Martin by Christine King Farris

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Book: My Brother Martin
Author: Christine King Farris
ISBN: 978-0689843884

1. How much older is Martin’s sister?
2. Who did the house belong to?
3. What was the name of their grandparents?
4. What was the name of the aunt that lived with them?
5. What was Martin’s nickname?
6. After Martin was born, did his family have another baby boy or girl?
7. Alfredo was named after his ______________________________.
8. What was the sister’s name?
9. What prank did the children do to unsuspecting passerbyers that involved a fur piece?
10. What was the name of the piano teacher?
11. What was the name of the city they grew up in?
12. In what state is that city located?
13. What type of laws did Atlanta have?
14. To whom were these laws unfair to?
15. Because of these laws, the King family rarely went to ___________________________ or visited __________________________.
16. What was the name of their neighborhood?
17. Why was it called Sweet Auburn?
18. Did the King boys play with the boys whose parents owned the grocery store?
19. Why did the boys from the grocery stop playing with the King boys?
20. On page 148, what did Martin say to his mother that his sister remembers to this day?
21. What was the name of the church that Martin’s father was a minister?
22. The book says that Martin’s father practiced what he preached, standing up for yourself when confronted with hatred and bigotry.  What did his father do when a shoe salesman would only serve them at the back of the store because they were African-American?

Arrow To The Sun: A Pueblo Indian Tale by Gerald McDermott

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Book: Arrow To The Sun: A Pueblo Indian Tale
Author: Gerald McDermott
ISBN: 978-0140502114

1. When does the story take place?
2. Where is the setting?
3. What did the Lord of the Sun do?
4. How did the spark of life travel?
5. What layer is between space and earth that the spark of life traveled?
6. What was the name of the town the spark of life landed?
7. What did the spark of life turn to?
8. Why didn’t the other boys treat the boy bad?
9. What did the boy say to his mother before he left home?
10. Who did the boy encounter first in his journey?
11. What did his first encounter say to the boy?
12. Who did the boy encounter second?
13. Did both encounters continued with their work after the boy asked his questions?
14. What did the boy ask?
15. Who did the boy visit third?
16. Was the Arrow Maker able to answer the boys question?
17. What quality did the Arrow Maker have?
18. What did the Arrow Maker give the boy that later the boy became?
19. What did the Arrow Maker do to the boy?

Once A Mouse by Marcia Brown

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Book: Once a Mouse
Author: Marcia Brown
ISBN: 978-0689713439

1. What was a hermit thinking about one day?
2. What did he see while he was thinking about these things?
3. What was the hermit holding in his hand?
4. What was the hermit wearing?
5. Where is the setting?
6. Did the hermit spot the crow flying above?
7. What was the crow going to do to the mouse?
8. Why does the hermit think the mouse is poor?
9. Why does the hermit think the crow is greedy?
10. Why did the hermit comfort the mouse?
11. What did the hermit feed the mouse?
12. Where did the hermit take the mouse?
13. Where is the hermit’s house located?
14. What came to the hut while the hermit was feeding the mouse?
15. What was the hermit mighty at?
16. Why do you think the hermit was mighty at these two things?
17. Why did the hermit change the mouse into a stout cat?
18. What barked in the forest that night?
19. What animal did the hermit change the cat to?
20. What was prowling in the forest the next day?
21. What leaped on the dog?
22. What did the hermit do when the tiger leaped on the dog?
23. What did the mouse do when he was changed into a tiger?
24. What does this phrase mean, “he peacocked about the forest”?
25. How did the hermit react when he saw the mouse’s attitude?
26. Why do you think the hermit was upset with the mouse?
27. How did the mouse feel when the hermit spoke to him in an upset way?
28. At this time of the story the mouse is a ____________________.
29. Why was the mouse upset?
30. Why did the mouse think, “no one shall tell me that I was once a mouse.  I will kill him!”?
31. Was the hermit able to read the mouse’s thoughts?
32. What did the hermit do to the mouse after he read his thoughts?
33. Do you think the hermit should have saved the mouse at the beginning of the story?

The Earth Dragon Awakes: The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 by Laurence Yep

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Book: The Earth Dragon Awakes
Author: Laurence Yep
ISBN: 978-0060008466

1. What year is it?
2. What is the name of the Chinese immigrant?
3. What is the name of the banker’s son?
4. For whom does the Chinese immigrant’s father work for?
5. What two plates grind together?
6. How many miles shock violently?
7. What machine do we use today to measure earthquakes?
8. How strong was The Great Earthquake?
9. How many people live in San Francisco?
10. The earthquake was compared to what?
11. Who/What is Sawyer?
12. What does Henry hear?
13. What hops with Henry?
14. What dances a jig?
15. What shakes like Sawyer?
16. What items in his room, do a slow waltz?
17. Who’s house falls that lives across the street?
18. During the earthquake, what items rained on the ground?
19. What type of noise comes out of the cloud?
20. Who couldn’t walk during the earthquake?
21. What became crooked in the doorframe?
22. What creaks and groans like an old giant?
23. What sprays like daggers?
24. What spread like a spider web?
25. What stampede on Mission Street?
26. What street was constructed over a landfill?
27. What is liquefaction?
28. What are the names of the persons buried alive?

Monday, December 23, 2013

Grasshoppers and Crickets by Susan Ring

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Book: Grasshoppers and Crickets
Author: Susan Ring
ISBN: 978-0-02-202595-3

Introduction: Meet the Insects
1. In what habitat do grasshoppers live in?
2. Do crickets live in grassy places?  Yes   No
3. What are the three things grasshoppers and crickets have in common?
4. What is the exoskeleton?
5. How many wings do grasshoppers and crickets have?
6. Describe their front wings.
7. What do the front wings cover and protect?
8. What enables grasshoppers and crickets to jump very high?
9. How can you tell a grasshopper and a cricket apart?
10. What is a compound eye?
11. How many compound eyes do grasshoppers have?
12. How does a grasshopper breath?
13. What are spiracles?
14. What does stridulation mean?
15. How far can a grasshopper propel itself?
16. What is a tympanum and what does it do?
17. What do grasshoppers eat?
18. What terrible thing can grasshoppers do to farmers?
19. What types of animals/reptiles/insects eat grasshoppers?
20. How do grasshoppers protect themselves?
21. How many different types of grasshoppers exist?
22. How big is the smallest grasshopper?
23. How big is the largest grasshopper?
24. What are “flowers of the jungle”?
25. “Flowers of the Jungles” are also known as ____________________________________.
26. Where can you find painted grasshoppers?
27. What is the name of the grasshopper that oozes a smelly, foamy liquid when it senses danger?

Chapter 2: A Closer Look at Crickets
28. Do female crickets sing?
29. What is the name of the cricket that helps you figure out the temperature?
30. How can you tell the outside temperature with the help of a tree cricket?
31. How do crickets hear?
32. In what culture do crickets bring good luck?
33. According to the story, “The Cricket’s Cage,” what problem did the builder have with the emperor?
34. How did the cricket help the builder?
35. What is the name of the cricket that lives underground?
36. How did the Mole Cricket get its name?
37. What do the front legs of the Mole Cricket look like?
38. What do they use their front legs for?
39. How do their mouths work?
40. Where does the stone cricket live?
41. How does the Ant-Loving Cricket eat?
42. Where would you find Weta Crickets?
43. Where would you find the Cooloola Monster?

Chapter 3: Grasshopper and Cricket Babies
44. What is a nymph?
45. As nymphs grow, they _________________.
46. Grasshoppers and crickets molt about ___________ to ____________ times during their lifetime.

Chapter 4: Grasshopper and Cricket Cousins
47. Give two examples of insects that look like grasshoppers and crickets.
48. Why are Katydids good imitators?

Conclusion: Grasshoppers, Crickets, and People
49. What is the name of the group that grasshoppers and crickets have been placed in by scientist?
50. What does orthoptera mean?
51. What do Entomologists do?

Thomas Alva Edison by Laurie Rozakis

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Book: Thomas Alva Edison
Author: Laurie Rozakis
ISBN: 978-0-02-203075-1

1. Thomas Edison invented the _____________________________.
2. Alexander Graham Bell invented motion pictures.  True or False
3. Thomas Edison is the most famous American inventor.  True or False
4. How many new devices did Edison come up with?
5. Who invented the first radio?
6. What year was the radio invented?
7. Who found a way to make radio signals stronger?
8. What year were radio signals made stronger?
9. Who invented the first T.V.  camera?
10. What year was the first T.V. camera invented?
11. What year was the T.V. picture tube invented?
12. What were the 1800s called?
13. Why were the 1800s called “The Age of Invention”?
14. What four major inventions were created during this time period that changed our lives?

Chapter 1:
15. What was Thomas’ complete name?
16. Where was he born?
17. What year was he born?
18. What did his friends call him?
19. What city did his family move to when he was seven?
20. Why did Thomas only last 3 months at school?
21. What was Thomas’ mother’s education?
22. What did Thomas build in his bedroom?
23. What caused his mother to move the laboratory to the basement?
24. Look at the timeline to answer these questions:
a. What year was the bicycle invented?
b. What year was Lincoln assassinated?
c. What invention was created during the American Civil War?
d. What invention came two years after the California Gold Rush?
25. Where did Edison work when he was 12 years old?
26. What items did Edison sell when he was 12 years old?
27. How old was Edison when he learned to use the telegraph machine?
28. Edison invented how to send _______________________________________ automatically.
29. In what year did Edison move to Boston?
30. For whom did Edison work for, when he moved to Boston?
31. Edison invented a part to fix broken Western Union machines.  How much did Western Union pay Edison for his invention?
32. In what year did Edison invent a machine to display stock prices?
33. Look at the timeline to answer these questions:
a. What world event took place during the same time the typewriter was invented?
b. What year did this invention/event take place?
c. What year were traffic lights invented?
d. What opened for the first time in the U.S. in 1874?
e. What two items were invented in 1876?

Chapter 2: A Bright Idea
34. What did Edison do with the money Western Union paid him?
35. Where did Edison set-up his lab?
36. A few years after setting up his first lab, he moved it to _______________________, New Jersey.
37. Use the timeline to answer these questions:
a. What year was Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” published?
b. What year was toilet paper invented?
c. The automobile was invented in ____________________.
d. The Statue of Liberty was open in the year ________________.
38. How did Edison fix the light bulb problem?
39. Who solved Edison’s second light bulb problem?
40. How did Latimer solve Edison’s problem?
41. How long did Edison’s light bulb burn?
42. In what year did Edison test his light bulb on his lab and home?
43. What was Edison’s solution to bringing in electric power to ordinary people?
44. Where did he build his electric power station?
45. What was the name of his company?
46. When the company pulled the switch for the first time on September 4, 1882, how many people had electric power in their homes?
47. Use the timeline to answer these questions:
a. What world event happened between 1898-1899?
b. What was invented in 1901?
c. What was invented in 1902?
d. What two items were invented in 1903?
e. What world event took place in 1903?

Chapter 3: Let There Be Music!
48. Who did Edison invent the talking doll for?
49. In what year did he invent the talking doll?
50. What was the name of the machine that Edison invent to record people’s voices?
a. What year did he event this?
51. Was the phonograph successful?  Yes or No
52. How much did people pay to hear the phonograph in 1877?
53. How much did people pay to buy a phonograph?
54. Who invented the gramophone?
55. In the U.S. gramophones were called ___________________________________.
56. What did gramophones play?

Chapter 4: Motion Pictures
57. After Edison invented the phonograph, what name did people give him?
58. Use the timeline to answer these questions:
a. What was invented in 1913?
b. What event happened in 1917?
c. What event happened between 1914-1918?
d. What event happened in 1929?
e. What event happened in 1927?
f. What was invented in 1928?
59. What was the name of the motion picture player Edison invented?
60. The kinetoscope and the kinetograph led to the invention of the _______________________________ and ______________________________________.
61. What did Edison call his camera that recorded action on film?
62. Inventions are protected by ______________________.
63. What is a patent?
64. What was the name of one of the first movies made?
65. Where did Edison build his movie studio?
66. What was the name of the first movie that told a story?
67. About how many movies did Edison make?
68. Did Edison make color movies?
69. How did Edison make color movies?

70. When did Edison die?

Andrew Smith Hallidie by Lisa Zamosky

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Book: Andrew Smith Hallidie
Author: Lisa Zamosky
ISBN: 978-0-02-202406-2

Chapter 1: Who Was Andrew Smith Hallidie?
1. What happened in the summer of 1869?
2. Where does this story take place?
3. What season is it?
4. What happened to the five horses?
5. When was Andrew born?
6. Where was Andrew born?
7. Was Andrew’s father an inventor or an engineer?
8. What patent did Andrew’s father own?
9. What was Andrew’s father’s most important invention?
10. Who took the name Hallidie?
11. What was Andrew Jr.’s uncle’s name?
12. Why was Andrew’s Jr.’s uncle famous in England?
13. At what age did Andrew Jr. start working?
14. How long did it take them to travel from London to New York by ship?
15. How many days did they stay in New York?
16. What was going on in California during this time period?
17. What did Andrew Sr. hoped to accomplish in California?
18. Why did Andrew Sr. return to England?
19. How old was Andrew Jr. when his father left to England?
20. What type of jobs did Andrew do while living in California?

Chapter 2: Using Wire Rope
21. What did Andrew do while he was moving from mine to mine?
22. What did Andrew do in 1855?
23. Who’s technology did he use to build the bridge?
24. While Hallidie worked at a mine at the American River.  The rope they used lasted for _____ month.  The rope Hallidie made lasted for _______ years.
25. What did Hallidie started/began/created when he moved to San Francisco?
26. What did his company produce?
27. What made Hallidie famous?

Chapter 3: The Cable Car Comes to Life
28. What was the name of Hallidie’s invention that moved supplies across mountainous areas?
29. When did Hallidie die?
30. In what city would you find a plaque of Andrew Smith Hallidie?
31. Where would the plaque be located?

Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin

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Book: Snowflake Bentley
Author: Jacqueline Briggs Martin
ISBN-13: 978-0-547-24829-5

1. When does the story take place?
2. When was Wilson Bentley born?
3. Where was Wilson Bentley born?
4. Where is the “Snowbelt” located?
5. What is the annual snowfall in the “snowbelt”?
6. Which days were Bentley’s happiest?
7. Bentley said snow was ____________________________________________________________.
8. What is Bentley’s brother’s name?
9. Who was Bentley’s teacher until he was 14 years old?
10. What did Bentley use to study snowflakes?
11. Bentley studied all forms of moisture.  True or False
12. Bentley didn’t keep records of the weather.  True or False
13. Bentley did many experiments with raindrops.  True or False
14. How many branches do most crystals have?
15. Some crystals have ___________________ branches.
16. What did Bentley try to draw for 3 winters?
17. At what age did Bentley start drawing crystals?
18. At what age did Bentley get a camera from his parents?
19. How many times could Bentley’s microscope magnify a crystal?
20. How big was the camera that Bentley received?
21. How much did the camera cost?
22. How many winters did it take Bentley to figure out how to photograph snowflakes?
23. Were people receptive in those days to Bentley’s photographs?
24. How does each Snowflake begin?
25. What attaches to the speck? (A)
26. After A attaches to the speck, what does it form?
27. When the crystal grows, the branches come together.  What do the branches trap?
28. Why aren’t two snowflakes alike?
29. What year did Bentley experienced his best snowstorm?
30. How many photographs did he make during the two-day storm?
31. What did Bentley call the storm?
32. What did Bentley become known as?
33. Bentley was the world’s expert on _________________________.
34. In what did Bentley spent his money on?
35. At what age was Bentley when his book was published?
36. How much did Bentley spend on his work by 1926?
37. How much did Bentley receive from his work by 1926?
38. How did Bentley die?

The Gold Rush Game by William Wu

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The Gold Rush Game by William Wu

1. What’s the name of the game the boys are playing?
2. Whose game is it?
3. What is Eric’s friend’s name?
4. Why did Eric’s parents buy the video game?
5. Whose great-great-great grandfather came during the Gold Rush?
6. From what country did great-great-great grandfather come from?
7. What did Eric’s father show the boys that had two Chinese characters written on it?
8. What is the name of Eric’s great-great-great grandfather?
9. What does Eric’s great-great-great grandfather’s name mean?
10. In Chinese, the family name is given first.  What would your name be in Chinese?
11. The miner in the game showed the players a _______________________ that said “press if you dare.”
12. Why does the setting change from Eric’s house to some mountain?
13. What did the boys ask the miner?
14. How did the miner respond to their question?
15. According to the miner, where are the boys now?
16. How did the town of Marysville get started?
17. What did the miner say is the best way to find a Chinese miner?
18. Where did the boys find Wong Daido?
19. How did Wong Daido fall in the river?
20. What was Eric’s reaction to saving Wong Daido?
21. Why did Eric feel he had to save Wong Daido?
22. Why was Wong Daido panning for gold at the Feather River?
23. What did Wong Daido offer the boys for saving his life?
24. How did the boys get back to Eric’s living room?
25. Did Eric’s parents believe the boys went back in time?
26. Do you think his parents believe Eric’s story at the end?
27. What are some clues from the text that tell you about life as a miner?  Look for clues on page 715.
28. How does Eric’s life compare and contrast with Wong Daido?
29. What statements in the text are supported by the photograph on page 721?
30. What do Eric’s parents think of Eric’s and Matt’s story about going back in tme?  How do you know from the text?
31. Do Eric’s parents believe the boys’ story at the end of page 721? Draw conclusions to answer this question.

Leah's Pony by Elizabeth Friedrich

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Book: Leah’s Pony
Author: Elizabeth Friedrich
ISBN: 978-0-02-199970-5

1. When did Leah’s dad buy her a pony?
2. What do you think this sentence means about the situation on a farm?  “The year the corn grew tall and straight.”
3. When corn grows tall and straight, can it be sold?
4. What do you think this sentence means?  “That whole summer, Leah and her pony crossed through the pasture.”
5. Can you relate sometime of your life that was good to what Leah is feeling at this time on page 681?
6. Why did Leah love to ride her pony into town?
7. What did Mr. B shout?
8. What does this sentence mean?  “The year the corn grew no taller than a man’s thumb.”
9. Was there a time gap between these two sentences?  “The year the corn grew tall and straight” and “The year the corn grew no taller than a man’s thumb.”  If so, for how long?
10. What was the result in Leah’s house from “The year the corn grew no taller than a man’s thumb”?
11. Can you relate Leah’s house being quiet to your own home?
12. When parents speak in whispering voices, does it mean bad news is in the horizon (bad news coming soon)?
13. What turned the sky black with dust?
14. How did the sky turn black?
15. What is a sow?
16. What are piglets?
17. What clues from the text on page 682 tell you that these are hard times?
18. What were the results of these hard times on page 683? (Tip: There are 4 results)
a. ____________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________
19. What are flour sacks?
20. Do you know of other similar sacks in the supermarket?
21. Can you imagine using these sacks, like Leah’s mother did in the story, to make underwear?
a. Do you think a person has to be very poor to go to these extremes?
22. What does this sentence mean?
23. What did the grasshopper eat?
24. (Infer) Do you think the grasshoppers ate the human thumb length corn?  Explain your answer
25. Why did the neighbors leave to Oregon?
26. What clues on page 684 tell you the neighbors didn’t leave on vacation?
a. Give one text example: ________________________________________
b. Give one example from the picture: ______________________________
27. Why did Leah’s father borrow money from the bank?
28. What happened to the seeds?
29. What type of seeds did he buy?
30. What is the bank going to do to get their money back from Leah’s father?
31. What might happen to the family if her father losses the tractor?
32. Was Leah upset when the man in the big hat hammered a sign into the ground in front of her house?  Using clues from page 687, how do you know?
33. What did Leah do to her pony to help the family?
34. For how much did the man sell Leah’s family’s wagon?
35. Leah arrived just in time to see 3 items get auctioned, what were they?
36. What can the tractor do on a farm field?
37. Why did Leah only bid $1 for the tractor?
38. Do you think the audience knew Leah sold her pony to buy the tractor?  What clues do you see that will tell you if they did or didn’t know?
39. Why did the man sell the tractor to Leah for $1?
40. Why did the crowd cheer when Leah won the bid for the tractor?
41. What was auction next after the tractor?
42. How much were the chickens sold for?
43. What was auctioned after the chickens?
44. How much was the truck sold for?
45. What items were auctioned after the truck?
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________
46. For how much were these items sold for?
47. Why couldn’t Leah sleep that night?  She should have been able to sleep since she saved her dad’s tractor from being sold.
48. Why did Mr. B give the pony back?  You can’t use this sentence to support your answer.  “But he’s a little bit small for me and a little bit big for my grandson.”  Use clues from the text to support your answer.

From The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein by Johanna Hurwitz

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Book: From The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein
Author: Johanna Hurwitz
ISBN: 978-0-02-199970-5

1. How old was David Bernstein when he chose his new name?
2. How many Davids’ are in his class?
3. What did Mrs. Booxbaum give extra credit for?
4. What book did the librarian recommend?
5. What new name did David want to be called?
6. Did his parents agree with David changing his name?
7. What were the birthday party choices Ali Baba’s mother give him for his party?
8. Did any of the birthday party choices interest Ali Baba?
9. How many boys in class had given bowling parties?
10. How many kids had movie parties?
11. How many students gave roller-skating parties?
12. What type of birthday party did Ali Baba want?
13. What does RSVP mean?
14. RSVP is a ___________________ abbreviation.
15. How many invitations were printed by David at his father’s office?
16. How many David’s accepted to attend David’s birthday party the first week?
17. How many David’s accepted after the first week?
18. How many David’s called saying they couldn’t attend?
19. How many David’s didn’t call?
20. What was served for dinner at David’s party?
21. What was the first guest wearing?
22. Which David Bernstein requested Kasha Varnishkas?
23. Where did all the David’s live?
24. What is the occupation of the David that is wearing the running suit?
25. The David that is wearing the running shoes is the only David Bernstein that finished the New York City Marathon.
26. What type of gifts did David get?
27. How did the story end?

The Astronaut and the Onion by Ann Cameron

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Book: The Astronaut and the Onion
Author: Ann Cameron
ISBN: 978-0-02-199970-5

1. What is the young girl’s name?
2. What did the young girl go buy? (A)
3. Where did Gloria go to purchase A?
4. What caught Gloria’s eyes?
5. Roughly how many jars did Gloria count on the display?
6. What was the woman wearing that got in line behind Gloria?
7. How many jars were on display?
8. What was the name of the baby food display?
9. The baby food jars were stacked up to look like a ____________________.
10. What was he lady that was wearing the sky-blue jogging suit holding?
11. What did Gloria do, in order, to show the lady with the nice jogging suit that she was a good catcher?
12. Describe the lady’s earrings?
13. Where on page 88, does it give you a clue that her friends are astronauts?
14. What is the lady’s name that Gloria is talking to?
15. What is Gloria’s last name?
16. To where did Dr. Grace Street travel in space?
17. When astronauts wear their spacesuits outside the space station, they stare out to __________________________________.
18. What did Dr. Grace describe as there being zillions of?
19. What did Dr. Grace describe as it being deep and black?
20. What was calling them to go on an endless journey?
21. How many miles above Earth was the space station?
22. How did water appear to the astronauts from the space station?
23. Dr. Street mentioned three words that are paralyzing.  What are those words?
24. Dr. Street said, “be careful what you tell yourself-because whatever you tell yourself you’re very likely to believe.”  What do you think she meant by that?
25. Dr. Street said, “You need to tame your fears.  Not get rid of them-just tame them.”  What did Dr. Street mean by this statement?
26. How does someone tame their fears?
27. What do you need to do in order to know you can count on yourself?
28. How do you get confidence?
29. Why should you keep a little fear inside?
30. What is the great secret of life?
31. How did Gloria relate (make a connection) the onion to “how little things are really big”

Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo

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Book: Because of Winn-Dixie
Author: Kate DiCamillo
ISBN: 978-0-02-199970-5

1. What is the name of the town the story takes place?
2. What is the setting at the beginning of the story?
3. Who is in charge of the library?
4. Who is Winn-Dixie?
5. What type of animal did Miss Franny Block think Winn-Dixie was?
6. Why was Miss Franny Block afraid of Winn-Dixie?
7. Was Winn-Dixie allowed to enter church?
8. Whose father built the library?
9. How big was the bear?
10. Did the bear attack Miss Franny Block?
11. What book was Miss Franny Block reading when she saw the bear?
12. What did the bear do with the book?
13. What did the bear do with the book?
14. Did Miss Franny have any friends?
15. What happened to Miss Franny’s friends?
16. Who read the book “Johnny Tremain”?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

How Thor Got His Hammer by Nomi J. Waldman

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Book: How Thor Got His Hammer
Author: Nomi J. Waldman
ISBN: 978-0-02-202615-8

Act 1: Loki Goes Too Far
1. Who is Thor?
2. Who is Sif?
3. Who is Loki?
4. Who is Elf 1?
5. Who is Elf 2?
6. Who is Ivaldi?
7. Who is Sindri?
8. Who is Brok?
9. Who is Odin?
10. Who is Frey?
11. Is Asgard the location of the play?
12. Who cut Sif’s hair?
13. What was Loki’s reason for cutting Sif’s hair?
14. Was Thor upset about the trick Loki did?
15. What did Loki say she would do in order to replace Sif’s hair?
16. Where did Loki go to search for the golden hair?
17. Did the elves accept Loki’s commission?

Act 2: No Greater Gifts?
18. Did the elves complete Loki’s job?
19. Elf 1 held a small ship of ____________________.
20. Elf 1 brought the ship of gold for?
21. Where can the ship take Frey?
22. What can the ship carry?
23. What happens to the ship once Frey is on land?
24. What item was for Odin?
25. What did Loki do with the gifts that the Elves gave him?
26. What did Loki wager with Sindri and Brok?
27. How was Loki thinking about returning to Sindri and Brok?

Act 3: The Fire Gets Hotter
28. What was the first item Brok and Sindri created?
29. What was the second item Brok and Sindri created?
30. What was the third item Brok and Sindri created?
31. Who stayed behind from delivering the gifts?

Act 4: The Judgment Falls
32. What special feature does the boar have? (A)
33. How fast can the boar A?
34. The golden boar will brighten the sky like the blaze of the sun at noon.  T or F
35. What special quality does the hammer hold?
36. Did Loki lose the bet at the end?
37. Did Brok collect on the bet?
38. How did Brok get Loki’s head at the end?

Lost Languages by Dina Anastasio

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Book: Lost Languages
Author: Dina Anastasio
ISBN: 978-0-02-202689-9

1. The people who lived in these lost cultures left clues.  T or F
2. What has been discovered in these lost cultures?
3. What is unlocking the mystery of these lost cultures?
4. All languages are ____________________.

Chapter 1: Locked Languages
5. What is the name of the glyphs found on Easter Island?
6. Have the Rongorongo glyphs been decipher?
7. What was the name of the person who noticed the Rongorongo glyphs in 1864?
8. The Rongorongo glyphs belong to the lost language called Rongorongo _________________.
9. What object(s) dot Easter Island?
10. In what time period were these statues carved?
11. How tall is the average statue on Easter Island?
12. How much does the average statue weigh on the island?
13. What is an ahus?
14. How many of the Rongorongo glyphs tablets remain?
15. What are  the two opinions that experts think the Rongorongo glyphs represent?

Indus Valley Seals
16. Who discovered the Indus River Valley ruins?
17. When did this explorer make the discovery?
18. In what country was Masson serving?
19. Charles Masson was serving in India as a soldier with the East India Company.  T or F

Chapter 2: Unlocked Languages
20. Rosetta Stone is a carved stone slab with two different languages and Egyptian hieroglyphics.  T or F
21. What is Coptic?
22. In what year was the Rosetta Stone decipher?
23. What was the name of the Frenchman that deciphered the Rosetta Stone?

Chapter 3: Missing Pieces
24. Where were the Dead Sea Scrolls found?
25. How many scrolls have been found since the original scrolls were discovered?
26. What were the scrolls made out of?
27. In how many caves were the scrolls found?

The Rohonczi Codex
28. What does Codex mean?
29. In what year did the Codex first appear?
30. How big is the Codex book?
31. How many pictures does the book have?
32. How big is the alphabet in the Codex book?

Chapter 4: Searching for Answers
33. Who discovered a 235-page manuscript, written in an unknown language and filled with illustrations of strange plants, in a college library?
34. Where was the Voynich Manuscript found?
35. When was the Voynich Manuscript found?
36. Who do experts believe is the author of the Voynich Manuscript?
37. What item did Roger Bacon experiment with?
38. What did Roger Bacon write about during his time?

39. When was the Rohonczi Codex written?
40. When was the Rosetta Stone discovered?
41. When did Jean Francois Champollion decipher the Rosetta Stone?
42. When did Charles Masson discover the Indus Valley Civilization?
43. When did Eugene Eyraud write about the Rongorongo scripts?
44. When were the Voynich Manuscript discover?

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Alexander Graham Bell by Laurie Rozakis

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Book: Alexander Graham Bell
Author: Laurie Rozakis
ISBN: 978-0-02-202383-6

1. Was Alexander Graham Bell an inventor?
2. What was Alexander’s assistant’s name?

Chapter 1: Growing Up with Science
3. What country was an exciting place in the 1800s?
4. What did Alexander’s father and grandfather teach people?
5. How did Alexander’s father and grandfather help people?
6. What was Alexander’s mother’s name?
7. When was Alexander born?
8. Where was Alexander born?
9. Alexander’s mother had a handicap, what was it?
10. What was the name of Alexander’s high school?
11. Did Alexander graduate from high school?
12. For how many years did he attend high school?
13. Where did Alexander’s father send Bell after high school?
14. What did Alexander’s father invent?
15. What did “visible speech” do?
16. In what year did Alexander’s family build a speaking machine?
17. What caused Alexander to start experimenting in sending sound by using electricity?
18. When did Alexander’s family move to Canada?
19. How long after Alexander moved to Canada, did he move to Boston?
20. What type of job did Alexander do in Boston?
21. In what year did Alexander become a professor at Boston University?

Chapter 2: First Experiments
22. Alexander hired an electrical engineer, what is his name?
23. Who was Alexander working “neck-and-neck” against?
24. Who discovered that a magnet could generate, or make, electricity?
25. Who invented the generator, a machine that makes electricity?

Chapter 3: “Mr. Watson, Come Here!”
26. Who was the first director of the Smithsonian Institution?
27. Where does the word telephone come from?
28. What does “tele” mean?
29. What does “phone” mean?
30. What is a telephone?
31. How old was Alexander when he invented the telephone?
32. In what year did Bell apply for the patent?
Chapter 4: Bell’s Later Life
33. What was the name of the exposition in Philadelphia that Bell won a prize?
34. What was the name of Bell’s laboratory?
35. What does the audiometer do?
36. What does a graphophone do?

37. In what year did Alexander Graham Bell die?
38. Who made the 1st cell phone call?
39. In what year were cell phones invented?
40. When was the 1st cell phone company started?
41. In what year did cell phones surpass landlines?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Looking at Whales by Dina Anastasio

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Book: Looking at Whales
Author: Dina Anastasio
ISBN: 978-0-02-202688-2

1. Where do some of the world’s largest mammals live?
2. What are the world’s largest mammals?
3. Do whales stop swimming?
4. How fast can whales swim?
5. What do you call when whales jump out of the water?
6. What are baby whales called?

Chapter 1: A Whale’s Life
7. What are whale families called?
8. Are whales related in pods?
9. What do members in pods do?
10. What does working in a unit mean?
11. How big are pods?
12. Orcas are also known as _______________________________________.
13. Do whales stop moving when they sleep?
14. Do whales sleep with both eyes close?
15. Where is the blowhole located on the whale?
16. The fine mist that’s from the whale’s blowhole, sprays up to ________________.
17. A blue whale is as big as a _____________________________________________.
18. Do whales spend six months eating constantly and six months eating very little?
19. Where do whales do most of their eating?
20. How does blubber help whales?
21. How many groups are whales divided into?
22. How do toothed whales eat?
23. How do Baleen whales eat?
24. What type of whales are humpback whales?
25. How do humpback whales communicate?
26. What is the beluga whale known as?
27. How do toothed whales communicate when they locate food?
28. How do baleen whales communicate when they locate food?
29. How do humpback whales communicate when they locate food?
30. The blue whale sings the loudest.  True or False
31. When the blue whale sings, it is louder than a jumbo jet.  True or False
32. Scientist know why whales sing.  True or False
33. What is echolocation?
34. How far can whale songs travel underwater?
35. Are male humpback whale songs long and complex?

Chapter 2: Whales Together
36. Do orca whales stay together in pods?
37. How many years do sperm whales live?
38. What is a maternal pod?
39. What is a pod?
40. What is a clan?
41. What is a community?

Chapter 3: On the Move
42. What game do pilot whales like to play?
43. How do whales carry their calves?
44. What is spy-hopping?

45. What protects whales?
46. What do whales have to avoid?

From Gliders to Rockets by Sarah Jane Brian

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Book: From Gliders to Rockets
Author: Sarah Jane Brian
ISBN: 978-0-02-202576-2

1. What were the names of the brothers who invented the first hot air balloon?
2. What year did the two brothers display their invention?
3. This became the age of human flight.  True or False
4. Hot air balloons were hard to control.  True or False
5. Who invented the glider?
6. From what country is the inventor of the glider?
7. What year was the glider invented?
8. Who read about the invention of the glider?

Chapter 1: The Wright Brothers
9. In what year did the Wright brothers test Wilbur’s idea?
10. Where did the Wright brothers test their glider?
11. Strong, lightweight engines weren’t available in the early 1900’s.  True or False
12. On September 1903, the Wright brothers tested a new aircraft with an engine, called the “Wright Flyer.”  True or False
13. Who completed the first powered flight?
14. When did he accomplish the flight?

Chapter 2: Heroes of the Skies
15. In what year did the Wright brothers build a plane that could soar 100 feet high?
16. How long did the plan stay in the air?
17. Who was the Red Baron?
18. What was the Red Baron’s name?
19. From which country is the Red Baron?
20. How many planes did the Red Baron shoot down?
21. In what year did Cal Rogers fly across the U.S.?
22. How many days did it take Cal Rogers to fly across the U.S.?
23. What is the name of the first American female pilot?
24. Who flew the “Spirit of St. Louis”?
25. How long did the flight from New York to Paris, France take?
26. In what year did Amelia Earhart fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean?
27. In what year did Earhart disappear over the Pacific Ocean?
28. What were airships called in the 1920s-1930s?
29. What were zeppelins filled with?
30. On what year did the Hindenburg crash?
31. How many people died in the Hindenburg accident?

Chapter 3: Flying in World War II
32. In what year did the German’s create the first yet fighter?
33. How fast were American planes in World War II?
34. How fast was the German jet fighter?
35. What is Mach 1?
36. Who flew the first plane pass Mach 1?
37. What year was this plane flown?
38. In what year did the first woman fly pass Mach 1?
39. What is the name of this lady?

Chapter 4: To Space and Beyond
40. In what area were rockets tested in the U.S.?
41. In what year did the Soviet Union launch Sputnik?
42. What was the name of the first manmade satellite?
43. What was the name of the first U.S. satellite?
44. What was the Mercury Project?
45. What was the name of the Soviet who went into orbit?  In what year did this happen?
46. What is the name of the astronaut?
47. What was the name of the next U.S. space project?
48. What is the name of the first chimpanzee that returned from space?
49. Which Apollo mission landed on the moon?
50. Who were the astronauts?
51. How long did they spend on the moon?

52. Who was the first African American woman to go to space?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Goin' Someplace Special by Patricia C. McKissack

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Book: Goin’ Someplace Special
Author: Patricia C. McKissack
ISBN-13: 978-0-689-81885-1

1. What is the name of the girl?
2. What is the name of the girl’s grandmother?
3. What did the girl ask her mother?
4. Did Tricia Ann pay the same amount for bus fare as her grandmother?
5. Where did Tricia Ann sit on the bus?
6. Tricia Ann had seen such signs all her life.  True or False
7. Mama Frances told Tricia Ann that those signs tell them where to sit, but they can’t tell them ______________________________________.
8. What did Tricia Ann feel wasn’t fair?
9. Who did Tricia Ann give her seat to?
10. Where did Tricia Ann go?
11. What did Mrs. Grannell say to Tricia Ann as she walked off the bus?
12. What did she see at the Capitol Square?
13. What was written on the bench that she tried to sit on?
14. Who was Jimmy Lee?
15. What did Jimmy Lee give Tricia Ann?
16. Who is Mr. John Willis?
17. What hotel did Tricia Ann enter?
18. The hotel manager referred to African Americans during this time period as _______________________________.
19. Who is Blooming Mary?
20. Where did Tricia Ann go after the Southland Hotel? (A)
21. Where did she go after A? (B)
22. Who did Tricia Ann meet at B?
23. What was the “Someplace Special” that Tricia Ann started her journey to?

Author’s Note
24. Where did the author grow up?
25. Was the city of Nashville segregated in the 1950s?
26. Nashville’s public library board of directors quietly voted to ___________________________________________________________.
27. Who is Andrew Carnegie?
28. What did Andrew Carnegie and the author’s grandmother know about the library?

At Home in the Coral Reef by Katy Muzik

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Book: At Home in the Coral Reef
Author: Katy Muzik
ISBN-13: 978-0-88106-486-5

1. What is a coral reef made from?
2. How many coral polyps make up the coral reef?
3. How do coral polyps get food?
4. What are coral polyps called?
5. How many tentacles do soft coral polyps have?
6. How many tentacles do hard coral polyps have?
7. What is the name of a baby coral?
8. What color are the coral eggs?
9. What is the baby coral covered with?
10. How can the planula swim?
11. Can the planula swim fast?
12. What are wrasses?
13. Who eats the planula?
14. What is the name of the animal that twinkles at night in the coral reef?
15. Why do brittle stars flash?
16. Why do worms glow at night in the Caribbean?
17. How do flashlight fish attract their food?
18. What type of tree can grow in salty water?
19. What grows on the roots of red mangrove trees?
20. How is the sand form in the Caribbean?
21. What kills coral polyps?
22. What are the items that poison the coral?
23. What grows over coral and kills it?
24. How do divers hurt the coral?
25. Is the polyp an animal?
26. Does the polyp look like a flower?
27. After the polyp grows its twelve little tentacles, what does it start to grow under its soft body?
28. After growing its skeleton, what does the polyp do in a few weeks?
29. What do polyps catch for food?
30. What type of creature hides in the reef to escape predators?
31. What do grouper fish eat?
32. Where do polyps get special food?
33. How long does it take for reefs to grow?
34. How long does it take for a reef to die?
35. How can we help the coral reef?