Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Sunken Treasure by Glenn Greenberg

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 14
Date: January 22, 2016
Article: A Sunken Treasure
Author:  Glenn Greenberg

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1. What is the name of the ship that sank off the coast of Colombia?
2. What is the date it sank?
3. What was the ship carrying?
4. How much is the cargo worth today?
5. What is the name of Colombia's president?
6. What is the name of the U.S. salvage company that claims they found the San Jose?
7. What does Maritime Law say about found shipwrecks?
8. Who offered Sea Search Armada 5% as a finder's fee?
9. Which country may make its own claim to the sunken treasure?


Help for the Hungry by Brenda Iasevoli

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 14
Date: January 22, 2016
Article: Help for the Hungry
Author:  Brenda Iasevoli

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1. Who started the charity Hawaii's Future Isn't Hungry?
2. What is Hawaii's Future Isn't Hungry called today?
3. In what grade was Brittany in when she raised $700 and collected 800 pounds of food?
4. How much money has her charity raised?
5. What does Brittany's charity give kids on Fridays?
6. What college/university is Brittany attending in the fall?
7. In what city does Brittany live now?
8. In what state does Brittany live now?
9. In what state is Duke University located?


Super-Size Dinosaur by Time for Kids

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 15
Date: January 29, 2016
Article: Super-Size Dinosaur
Author:  Time for Kids

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1. Where in the world were the largest dinosaur fossils unearthed?
2. How much did this dinosaur weigh when it was alive?
3. The weight of this dinosaur compare to elephants is about ____ African elephants.
4. Was this dinosaur smaller or larger than a basketball court?
5. In what museum can you see this dinosaur's replica skeleton?
6. This skeleton is part of a group of giant plant eaters called ____________.
7. According to Mark Norell, how tall is the skeleton and the exhibit hall the museum?
8. Does the replica model have any real bones?


Democracy At Work by Brian S. McGrath

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 15
Date: January 29, 2016
Article: Democracy At Work
Author:  Brian S. McGrath

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1. What is the name of the school that has a "Get Out the Vote" campaign every year?
2. What does the school call its students?
3. What was the main purpose of school for the country's Founding Fathers?
4. What were the results of the 2014 poll that Americans didn't know?
5. What percentage of Americans could name all three branches of government?
6. What percentage of the 29,000 eight graders who took the test in civics scored proficient?
7. Who wants high school students to pass the U.S. citizenship test in order to graduate high school?
8. How many states make it a requirement that you need to pass the U.S. citizenship test in order to graduate high school?
9. What state was the first to require passing the Citizenship Test as a high school graduation requirement?
10. What is the true test of citizenship for Democracy Prep Harlem Middle School?
11. Why do you think some Americans don't take a more active role in their democracy?


The Health-Wealth Connection by Kelly Hultgren

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 4
Date: January 2016
Article: The Health-Wealth Connection
Author:  Kelly Hultgren

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1. What are lean proteins?
2. What are healthy fats?
3. What are healthy carbohydrates?
4. Is eating at home healthier?
5. How much can you save per person by year by not eating meat?
6. What is the key to spending less, eating better, and exercising more?
7. How many hours of physical activity should you do daily?
8. How many years to your life can brisk walking add?
9. How much more does a person who exercises make over someone who doesn't exercise?
10. What habit shortens your life?
11. What habit leads to heart disease, cancer, and strokes?
12. How much can non-smokers save over smokers in smoking-related medical bills?
13. How many hours of sleep does the National Sleep Foundation recommend for kids ages 6 to 13 years old?

Journey to the North Pole by Heather Price-Wright

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 15
Date: January 29, 2016
Article: Journey to the North Pole
Author:  Heather Price-Wright

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1. What are the names of the four students traveling to the North Pole?
2. How are they traveling?
3. Who traveled with the kids?
4. What did the Polar Explorer tell the kids about his first trip to the North Pole compare to current trips?


A Music Museum by Elizabeth Winchester

Magazine: Time for Kids
Edition: 3-4, Vol. 6, No. 15
Date: January 29, 2016
Article: A Music Museum
Author:  Elizabeth Winchester

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1. Which city is known as Music City?
2. Which city is the hub for country music?
3. What museum is being built in Music City?
4. When is the museum scheduled to open?
5. Where does the museum offer summer music camps?



Saturday, March 19, 2016

Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Old School by Jeff Kinney #1-150

Book: Diary of Wimpy Kid, Old School
Author: Jeff Kinney
ISBN: 978-1-4197-1961-5
U$8.50-B-0.006065-BE- 1,402

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Pages 1-10

1. Why do you think parents think the “good old days” were better?
2. Who said people knew everybody when she was a kid?
3. What is the problem with today’s society?
4. What is the petition that mom is trying to get signed?
5. How many names does mom need on the petition to be able to take petition to Town Hall?
6. Why do you think people didn’t smile in black and white photos?
7. Why is the pioneer on page 6 staring at the man with the flower shirt?
8. What invention was a total game changer?
9. Summarize Greg’s Saturday in 40-50 words.
10. How did Greg spend July and August?
11. What did Greg do at camp?
12. Why was film camp cheap babysitting?
Pages 11-20
13. What is the other reason why he signed up for film camp?
14. Why does his family allow the pig to eat at the table?
15. What did they give the pig as a treat?
16. Does the pig walk in 4 or 2 legs?
17. What is the name of his brother?
18. Who/What wears a GPS tracking chip?
19. Who/What was too good for the leash?
20. Who has a curfew?
21. What time is the pig’s curfew?
22. Who was hogging the bathroom one morning?
23. Why do you think middle school seems boring?
24. Why would someone volunteer for the Homework Buddies Program?
25. What is the name of the music teacher?
26. She was whose music teacher?
27. What’s the name of the homework buddy?
28. What does Frew read for fun?
29. How long did it take Frew to complete the Greg’s homework?
30. Has Greg’s homework been challenging for Frew?
31. Who discovered Frew?
32. Who is living at Greg’s house?
33. Where was grandpa living?
Pages 21-30
34. Which bedroom did grandpa choose?
35. Who sleeps in the guest room?
36. Whose room was out of the question for Greg?
37. Whose room did Greg decide to sleep in?
38. Why do you think Greg’s father is so upset about Greg not being able to open his burrito?
39. What is Dad's concern about Greg?
40. Who helps Greg get ready for school?
41. How is Greg being helped to get ready for school?
42. Look at the chart on page 26.  Do you have a chart like this at home?
43. What happened to Greg when his Dad took the chart down?
44. What did Greg forget to put the cap back on?
45. What was the long speech Dad gave Greg?
46. Whom wolves would eat?
47. Why would wolves eat them?
48. Who said Rodrick needed to get a job?
49. Why does Rodrick need to get a job?
50. How can Rodrick become more responsible and pay for his own gas?
Pages 31-40
51. Who helped Rodrick look for a job in the newspaper?
52. Which job did they find that didn't require skills or experience?
53. What is the "Feeding Trough"?
54. Do the employees at Old-Timey Ice Cream Parlour look happy on page 31?
55. What type of job did Rodrick get?
56. Why was Mom upset that Rodrick got trash duty?
57. Why did Rodrick's family stick around while he was on his 15-minute break?
58. What did Mom do to see Rodrick one more time before they went home?
59. What was one of the games Grandpa played as a kid?
60. Who would use his imagination and play in the woods all day?
61. What is Rowley's last name?
62. Why do you think parents are overprotective today?
63. Look at page 37, what's wrong with Dad's version of the story compared to Grandpa's version of the story?
64. Who spanked Dad?
Pages 41-50
65. Who broke up with Grandpa?
66. How are Grandpa and Manny similar on page 40?
67. On page 41, who do you think is a better match for Grandpa and why?
68. What was Rodrick's promotion?
69. What happened to the employee who used to wear the Old-Timey Tobias costume?
70. What is Old-Timey Tobias' job?
71. Does Old-Timey Tobias remind you of that Mouse at Chuck e Cheese?  How so?
72. Look at page 43, why are the children crying?
73. What are the children doing to Old-Timey Tobias on page 43?
74. What is the one thing Rodrick can't do or he'll get fired?
75. What is the name of the place you learn about nature and hard work?
76. How long will the students be at the farm?
77. Who was traumatized by the Hardscrabble Farm Trip?
78. Who was Rowley counting on the bunk with him at Hardscrabble Farms?
79. Why did Greg's parents have to go to Parent-Teacher Conference?
Pages 51-60
80. What is the name of the band written on the side of Rodrick's van?
81. What did Rodrick do to drive on the carpool lane on the highway?
82. What did the eagle-eyed cop do to Rodrick for driving on the carpool lane?
83. What was wrong with Rodrick's van?
84. What did the cop do with Rodrick's van?
85. Who threw a raging party at their house?
86. Who got a time out?
87. What did Greg's dad do to enforce the time out?

Pages 61-70
88. How did Mom get all the signatures for her petition?
89. What does the park look like?
90. Who took over the park?
91. How can they fix the park?
92. Who gave Greg seed money to start a lemonade stand?
93. On page 68, Greg said, "I was a little embarrassed to ask Dad, so me and Rowley decided to wing it."  What does "wing it" mean?
94. What color are limes?
Pages 71-80
95. At the lemonade stand, what did the first customer criticize?
96. What did the second customer criticize?
97. Who was rinsing the one cup after every use?
98. What did they set-up as an honor system?
99. How much were the boys charging for lemonade if you were going down hill?
100. How much were the boys charging for lemonade if you were going up hill?
101. Who set up a lemonade stand a few houses down from Greg's?
102. How much did Greg offer the boy to take his lemonade stand down?
103. What did Cedric's sign say that made him corner the lemonade market?
104. After Greg took down his lemonade stand, what new business did he start?
105. What did Greg offer the guy that was in shape to say he got that way by drinking "NRH Fitness Water"?
Pages 81-90
106. On page 80, the guy on this page offered to endorse the product.  What did Greg and Rowley do?
107. The ladies working on the flower bed raided Greg's and Rowley's water supply.  They poured the boys' water on the flower bed.  How much in profits did the boys lose?
108. What did Mom want the boys to do after they refilled water bottles from the creek?
109. How did Rowley volunteer at the park?
110. How did Greg volunteer at the park?
111. What color jumpsuits were the teenagers wearing?
112. What name was across the bus the teenagers rode in?
113. Why were the teenagers bused in?
114. What type of crimes did the teenagers commit?
115. Were the teenagers interested in helping or goofing off?
116. Which group organized the park clean up?
Pages 91-100
117. What was Greg's group's responsibility in the park clean up project?
118. What rank was the Girl Scout?
119. How long did it take the Girl Scouts to build a community garden?
120. What type of stand did the Girl Scouts set-up?
121. On page 93, Greg's mom was one of the first customers to buy cookies from the Girl Scouts.  Do you find this wrong after she told Greg that it was wrong?
122. What type of questions were the adults asking Frew?
123. What did Greg catch at the creek when he was supposed to be at swim team practice?
124. How did Greg get busted for not attending swim team practice?
125. Who followed Greg to the creek?
126. Who showed up to the creek after Frew?
127. Why is Billy doing community service?
128. What was Billy's reason for taking the sour gummy worms?
Pages 101-110
129. What was Frew upset about on page 100?
130. On page 102, what did Greg think the Girl Scouts had to do to earn a badge?
131. What did Billy give Frew and Greg to keep their energy against the Girl Scouts?
132. What did Billy suggest they do to throw off the dogs, if the Girls Scouts were using?
133. Greg suggested they split up, but Frew suggested they __________.
134. Who liked Frew's idea?
135. What did Frew and Billy start arguing about on page 106?
136. Who caught the guys?
137. Who cried when they got caught?
138. Who did Greg pinned the whole thing on?
139. How did Mom find Greg?
140. Why is Greg behaving?
Pages 111-120
141. What did Greg try to get from the sink?
142. Who drove Greg to the hardware store?
143. Does Grandpa have a license?
144. Why was Grandpa worried?
145. Why doesn't Grandpa have a license?
146. Who was driving the wrong way on the highway?
147. How did Grandpa and Greg get stranded on the highway?
148. Who didn't refuel the car?
149. Why did Grandpa leave Greg in the car?
150. Who was weaving orange jumpsuits that were heading towards Greg's way, while he was stranded on the highway?