Sunday, February 26, 2017

Honoring King by

Article: Honoring King

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1. What is a "day on" instead of a "day off" for Martin Luther King Jr. Day?
2. What does a "day on" mean to you?
3. When did Martin Luther King Jr. live?
4. What are civil rights?
5. What does the author mean by "the South was segregated"?
6. On the second paragraph, what four things were black people not allowed as white people?
7. What did King do in the 1950s and 1960s?
8. What was the name of the famous boycott in 1955?
9. Why was that 1995 boycott famous?
10. Who ruled that segregation on buses was illegal?
11. When did King deliver his famous, "I have a Dream" speech?
12. How many people were in attendance to hear his speech?
13. Where did King make his speech?
14. What did King's speech say?
15. What do Civil Rights Laws protect?
16. What does it mean "the legacy of a leader"?
17. What was King's legacy?
18. What does this statement "Everybody can be great because everybody can serve" mean to you?
19. When and where was King born?
20. When did King receive the Nobel Peace Prize?
21. When was King assassinated?
22. When was King Day first observed as a national holiday?

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