Monday, December 26, 2016

Chapter 40: Jaffa Orange, Fifty Foods That Changed The Course of History by Bill Price

Book: Fifty Foods That Changed The Course of History
Author: Bill Price
ISBN: 978-1-77085-427-7

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Chapter 40: Jaffa Orange


1. Where do oranges come from?
2. Where was the British Mandatory Palestine?
3. Southern Syria was part of which province?
4. Oranges were originally a bitter fruit, sweet oranges did not appear until about what century?
5. What was the name of the 1850s orange that Arab growers established it to be sweet?
6. What is Zionism?
7. When did Jaffa become part of the Ottoman Empire?
8. Who did the Ottomans side with during World War I?
9. What was Istanbul called ruing World War I?
10. When did Jerusalem fall from Ottoman control?
11. How did the British encourage Arab Revolt?
12. What was The Sykes-Picot Agreement?
13. Who was the Sykes-Picot Agreement named after?
14. What is one of the founding documents of the State of Israel?
15. What was the name of the peace settlement signed in 1920 between the Allies and the defeated Ottoman Empire?
16. What is the name of the port of Jaffa?
17. In what year was the civil war in Mandatory Palestine?
18. When was the new State of Israel declared?
19. How many Palestinians remained after the war in Jaffa?
20. How many Palestinians were in Jaffa before the war?

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