Thursday, December 29, 2016

Aani and the Tree Huggers by Jeannine Atkins

Book: Aani and the Tree Huggers
Author: Jeannine Atkins
ISBN: 1-880000-24-5

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1. Who constantly complained in Aani's house that drowned out her own thinking?
2. Who constantly gossiped in Aani's house that drowned out her own thinking?
3. What is the name of the snow-capped mountains by her village?
4. Why do you think Aani crushed a red berry to make a red spot on her forehand like her mother's?
5. What was the loud roar?
6. Where were the men when Aani heard the loud noise?
7. Where was Aani's mother when Aani heard the loud roar?
8. How did Aani's mother describe the truck?
9. Who is Kalawati?
10. What did Kalawati say the men in the truck want?
11. Who ran towards the men in the truck?
12. What did the men in the truck do to the trees?
13. Who cried "Stop"?
14. What did Kalawati say to the men?
15. Who saw spirits?
16. Who tried to stop the man with the ax?
17. Who pressed and hugged a tree?
18. Who else started hugging trees?
19. How much money did one of the men offer them to stop hugging trees and for them to go away?
20. What can 1,000 rupees buy?
21. Why do you think the men left the villagers alone?

Author's Note

22. Where did this story take place?
23. When did this story take place?
24. What was the movement known as?
25. What is the Chipko Andolan known as?

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