Saturday, September 10, 2016

Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, Chapter 4

Book: Shiloh
Author: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
ISBN: 978-0-545-70277-5

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Chapter 4

1. What advice did Ray give Marty?
2. What did Marty have for lunch?
3. What treat did Marty get for helping his father?
4. What did Marty find a year ago in the woods?
5. Why does Marty think Mr. Travers will shoot his own dogs if they don't please him?
6. Where does the family's extra money go to care for?
7. Where does dad's sister live?
8. What is dad's sister's name?
9. On Friday morning Marty ate a piece of bread.  What did he spread on his bread?
10. Who/what showed up that morning?
11. Where does Marty take Shiloh?
12. Why won't Marty return the dog this time?
13. Why does Marty have so much love for the dog?

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