Saturday, September 10, 2016

Shiloh by Phillis Reynolds Naylor, Chapter 3

Book: Shiloh
Author: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
ISBN: 978-0-545-70277-5

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Chapter 3
1. What type of job does Marty's father have?
2. Where does Marty's father work?
3. What does Marty's father have for breakfast?
4. What did Marty's father drink for breakfast?
5. How many miles did the boy walk this day to collect cans?
6. What did Marty help his dad deliver that afternoon?
7. What did Marty do the next morning?
8. Who leaves a little something for Marty's dad in their mailbox?
9. Which route do Marty and his dad deliver mail to after the Sisterville Route?
10. What were the names of the two magazines that Judd Travers' was getting delivered by Marty?
11. What is Marty's father's name?
12. What does Mr. Travers do to the dogs in order for them to be better hunters?
13. What is Mr. Travers going hunting for on Friday?
14. Why doesn't Mr. Travers name his dogs?
15. What does Mr. Travers do when he wants his dogs to come?
16. What does Mr. Travers do when he doesn't need the dogs?
17. What were the names Mr. Travers has for his dogs?
18. What name did Marty tell Travers is the name of the dog he is interested in?

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