Saturday, September 10, 2016

Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew by Carolyn Keene, Chapter 8

Book: Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Case of the Sneaky Snowman
Author: Carolyn Keene
ISBN: 978-0-545-05473-7

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Chapter 8: Chip, Chip, Hooray!

1. Who tried to take chip?
2. What is Chip?
3. How did Chip get away?
4. What do you think Toby meant when he yelled, "Sorry, Nancy! I didn't mean it!  Honest!"?
5. Was someone home at the Leo's house?
6. What did Chip dig up at the Leo's backyard?
7. What did the girls dig up at the Leo's backyard?
8. What was inside the boots?
9. When Nancy confronted Toby inside the tent and threatened that she will tell his mom.  What did Toby say?
10. What does "even-Steven" mean?
11. Who did Toby give his basketball to?
12. What was the name of the book Deirdre was planning on writing?
13. Why did Deirdre say that Bess was going to fall on the ice?
14. What did Nancy, Bess, and George see after stepping out of the tent?
15. Describe the footprints left behind from the snowman?

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