Friday, May 13, 2016

Learning to Love Ted by Michael Scherer

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: April 18, 2016
Article: Learning to Love Ted
Page: 30
Author:  Michael Scherer

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Comments: Article was too complicated, even to water down for elementary school kids.

1. Who called Ted Cruz a "jackass"?
2. Who called Ted Cruz a "wackobird"?
3. What is the Ted Cruz brand?  What does Ted Cruz stand for?
4. What happens if Donald Trump and Ted Cruz don't reach 1,237 delegates by the first ballot in Cleveland?
5. Which organization spent $1 million on a television ad in Wisconsin?
6. What state does Senator Mike Lee represent?
7. What bill from Senator Mike Lee did Ted Cruz not support?
8. Why did Ted Cruz not support this bill?
9. What is the name of the Texas Senator that won't support Ted Cruz?
10. Who are the 2,472 delegates that will pick the nominee at a contested convention?
11. Under Federal Election Commission rules, can delegates accept sums of money to attend the convention without disclosure?
12. Who does better in getting delegates to vote for him, Ted Cruz or Donald Trump?


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