Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Prize by Jeffrey B. Fuerst

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The Prize by Jeffrey B. Fuerst
ISBN: 978-0-02-203013-1

Chapter 1: The Writing Contest
1. Who is Captain G?
2. What does the “G” stand for in Captain G.?
3. Who is “Dr. Catastrophe”?
4. Who is Anthony Lucas?
5. What was the name of the magazine that was having a contest?
6. What was the name of Gregory and Anthony’s favorite magazine?
7. What type of articles could be found in this magazine?
8. What did Gregory hear that winners of the contest get for prizes?
9. What did Gregory’s mom tell them to do outside?
10. Who was Gregory’s mother talking about on page 4?
11. What would the “cool” kids do to Gregory if he went out to play basketball?
12. What did Gregory want from the “cool” kids?

Chapter 2: The Game
13. What did Jordan say in a mean way?
14. Who asked, “When did they start playing basketball on Planet Nerd?”
15. Who laughed at Gregory’s response that he has been practicing?
16. Gregory had been practicing by actually playing basketball or a basketball video game?
17. What did Jordan give Gregory before they started playing basketball?
18. Who did Gregory wish was there?
19. How long did it take for Jordan to win the basketball game?
20. Who shouted, “Stop!”?
21. For how long did Gregory stay home after he lost the basketball game?
22. Who offered Gregory basketball lessons?
23. What did Gregory win from winning the Robomation Magazine Contest?
24. What did Gregory have to send the magazine?

Chapter 3: The Prize
25. What arrived a week later to Gregory’s house?
26. Was Gregory’s robot good at sports?
27. Who was watching Robot Gregory play basketball while Gregory was on the phone with Anthony?
28. Who won the basketball game between Robot Gregory and Jordan?
29. Did Robot Gregory make a special basketball shot?
30. Who offered to buy Robot Gregory a milkshake?
31. Where did Anthony want to go and celebrate after the basketball game?
32. What did Robot Gregory say to Anthony?
33. What did Robot Gregory do to Anthony?
34. Who got Anthony  down from the basketball rim?
35. Who did Gregory say took over his mind?
36. Who also wanted to hang around Gregory and Anthony?

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