Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cattle Driving Horses of the Old West by Ann Gadzikowski

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Book: Cattle Driving Horses of the Old West
Author: Ann Gadzikowski
ISBN: (Orange Book) 978-0-02-202466-6
            (Purple Book) 978-0-02-202762-9
            (Blue Book) 978-0-02-202467-3
            (Green Book) 978-0-02-202468-0

1. What is a cattle drive?
2. How long did cattle drives take?
3. What time period was this?
4. The Old West was between what years?
5. What were the reasons pioneers came west?
6. Was the west suited for cattle?
7. How did cattle get to the cities?
8. What was the name of the workers that drove the cattle from the ranches to the railroads?
9. What type of animal did the cowboys need to do their work? (A)
10. Where did the cowboys get A?
11. What were A called? (B)
12. B were descendants from _________________________________________________.
13. North America was a terrible habitat for the horses.  True or False
14. The grassy plains provided B with ________________________________________.
15. What were cowboys responsible for moving in the early days?
16. What was a difficult journey for cowboys?
17. What is the name of the cowboy’s hat?
18. What was well suited for raising cattle?
19. Why were cattle raised to the railroads?

Chapter 1: Taming and Training Wild Horses
20. How fast can a mustang run?
21. What did cowboys do when they caught, tamed, and rode wild mustangs?
22. What was a team effort?
23. Where did cowboys drive the horses?
24. What was hidden from the mustangs?
25. Today, what do experts feel is a rough treatment?
26. What did the cowboy have to do to the mustang once he caught it?
27. How did you break a horse in the Old West?
28. What is another word for “break”?
29. The cowboy that would ride and tame the horse was known as a “________________________.”
30. What is the name of cowboy contests? (C)
31. What type of events does C offer?
32. What do you call a way a horse walks or runs?
33. What do you call a slow walk?
34. What do you call a moderate run/walk?
35. What do you call a run?
36. Horses are not sensitive to touch or sound.  True or False
37. What was essential to a cowboy’s survival?
38. Where was the safest place for a cowboy out in the plains?
39. What is a saddle?
40. What are stirrups?
41. What is a bridle?
42. What item has a brim to shield the cowboys from sunlight and rain?
43. What is a lariat or lasso?
44. What are chaps?
45. What are boots made out of?

Chapter 2: Hard Work on the Trail
46. When did cattle drives begin?
47. What was a parade of cows called?
48. What was a “cow horse”?
49. What are “pony serenades”?
50. What time of day did cattle drives begin/start?
51. What is “riding swing”?
52. What is “riding point”?
53. What was the dustiest and smelliest job called?
54. Who rotated the cowboy jobs during a cattle drive?
55. What did a “cutting horse” do?
56. What could one frightened cow trigger?

Chapter 3: Descendants of the Wild Mustangs
57. What are new horse breeds?
58. How many horse breeds exist today in North America?
59. How many horse breeds existed in the 1500s?
60. What is the name of the breed used to herd cattle?
61. What is the name of the breed for being known for being strong and sturdy?
62. What is the name of the breed that bread with mustangs and the English horse?
63. From where did the quarter horse get its name?

64. Horses were an important part of life in the Old West.  True or False
65. What has replaced horses in cattle drives?
66. Who was “Wild Horse Annie”?
67. What year did Congress pass a law to protect wild mustangs?

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