Monday, February 25, 2013

Looking at Whales by Dina Anastasio

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Answer Key

Book: Looking at Whales
Author: Dina Anastasio
ISBN: 978-0-02-202688-2

1. Where do some of the world’s largest mammals live?
2. What are the world’s largest mammals?
3. Do whales stop swimming?
4. How fast can whales swim?
5. What do you call when whales jump out of the water?
6. What are baby whales called?

Chapter 1: A Whale’s Life
7. What are whale families called?
8. Are whales related in pods?
9. What do members in pods do?
10. What does working in a unit mean?
11. How big are pods?
12. Orcas are also known as _______________________________________.
13. Do whales stop moving when they sleep?
14. Do whales sleep with both eyes close?
15. Where is the blowhole located on the whale?
16. The fine mist that’s from the whale’s blowhole, sprays up to ________________.
17. A blue whale is as big as a _____________________________________________.
18. Do whales spend six months eating constantly and six months eating very little?
19. Where do whales do most of their eating?
20. How does blubber help whales?
21. How many groups are whales divided into?
22. How do toothed whales eat?
23. How do Baleen whales eat?
24. What type of whales are humpback whales?
25. How do humpback whales communicate?
26. What is the beluga whale known as?
27. How do toothed whales communicate when they locate food?
28. How do baleen whales communicate when they locate food?
29. How do humpback whales communicate when they locate food?
30. The blue whale sings the loudest.  True or False
31. When the blue whale sings, it is louder than a jumbo jet.  True or False
32. Scientist know why whales sing.  True or False
33. What is echolocation?
34. How far can whale songs travel underwater?
35. Are male humpback whale songs long and complex?

Chapter 2: Whales Together
36. Do orca whales stay together in pods?
37. How many years do sperm whales live?
38. What is a maternal pod?
39. What is a pod?
40. What is a clan?
41. What is a community?

Chapter 3: On the Move
42. What game do pilot whales like to play?
43. How do whales carry their calves?
44. What is spy-hopping?

45. What protects whales?
46. What do whales have to avoid?

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