Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Ant and the Grasshopper by Amy Lowry Poole

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Book Title: California Treasures, 4th Grade Edition  ISBN: 978-0-02-199970-5

     The Ant and the Grasshopper by Amy Lowry Poole

1. When did the story take place?
2. What type of genre is this story?
3. What did the ants do every day?
4. At what time did the ants begin their task?
5. What was part of their task? 1) _____________________________ 2) ____________________
6. What was the ant’s house made off?
7. What caused their house to collapse?
8. Where did they store their food?
9. How did they carry their loads of food?
10. At what time did the grasshopper wake up?
11. What would the grasshopper say to the ants?
12. Did the ants follow the grasshopper to the Emperor’s courtyard?
13. From which direction did the cool air come from?
14. What happened to the days?
15. What were the ants mindful of?
16. What caused the ants to work harder?
17. What do you think is the moral of the story?
18. At what event did the Emperor feast on mooncakes and sweet greens?
19. What advice did one of the ants give the grasshopper as winter got closer?
20. Did the grasshopper take the advice?
21. What arrived a week late?
22. Is winter a character in this story?
23. Can winter be the antagonist in this story and why?
24. What was the name of Emperor’s palace?
25. The Emperor left his summer home for another in the winter.  Where was his other palace located?
26. Who else left the grasshopper?
27. What did the grasshopper wished he should have done?
28. In what country does this story take place?

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