Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Diary from Here to There by Amada Irma Perez

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Book Title: California Treasures, 4th Grade Edition  ISBN: 978-0-02-199970-5

     The first story in Unit 1 is "My Diary from Here to There," by Amada Irma Perez.

Pages 13-19

1. How many brothers and sisters does the main character have?

2. How many brothers does she have?

3. How many sisters does she have?

4. In what city do they live?

5. In what country is this city located?

6. What did the main character hear her parents talking about?

7. Is the main character worried about leaving her city?

8. To what city does her family plan to move to?

9. In what country is this city located?

10. What is the name of her friend?

11. From your perspective, why do you think her brothers are excited to be moving to the states?

12. Michi and the main character braided each other’s hair, why?

13. To whose house will the family leave in two weeks?

14. Where does this person live?

15. What will the father do as the family stays with their grandfather?

16. Why do you think the father had to borrow a car for this trip?

17. Why did the family have to sell all their belongings?

18. What is the character worried about when she arrives to Los Angeles?
19. What is the name of the main character?

20. Her father said he was born in _____________________.  When he was __________ years old his parents moved to ____________________.

Name: _________________________________________________            Date: ________________

Pages 20-29

1. What are giant saguaros?
2. At what time did they arrived to Mexicali?
3. Who greeted them?
4. They had a feast of ___________________, ______________, ____________________, and ______________________________________________________.
5. What did Nana mean by saying Papa is a U.S. citizen?
6. What do you think is a green card?
7. Why do you think is a green card?
8. Why do you think the rest of the family needs a green card?
9. In what city/town did Amada’s father worked in picking grapes and strawberries?
10. What was the name of the man that worked in the same fields with her father?
11. Do you think Amada’s father has a high school diploma?
12. Do you think Amada’s father has a college degree?
13. Do you think Amada’s father knows English?
14. The family lived in _____________ different houses while their papa was in California.
15. Which aunt took the family in after Nana?
16. What was the name of the border city where they crossed?
17. How many shoes did Mario have when they crossed the border?
18. How did he lose his shoe?
19. In what city in California did they move to?
20. Who did Amada write to when she arrived to East Los Angeles?

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