Monday, January 2, 2017

Superman by Dave Barry

Book: Superman
Author: Dave Barry
ISBN: 078684907-X
Fourth Grade Student: JC (California)

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Chapter 1: Superman # The World's Biggest Skeleton

1. What is the new exhibit called?
2. Why did the people rush?
3. What is inside the cases?
4. Where is the skeleton from?
5. How long is the blue whale?

Chapter 2: Ocean Creatures

6. What did Mxy do to the museum?
7. Why did superman break the window?
8. What did Mxy do the museum?
9. Why did superman save Ms. Lane?
10. Why did Mxy make big crab legs?

Chapter 3

11. What did Mxy do to superman?
12. Why is Mxy at the museum?
13. What did Mxy do to the director?
14. What can kill a human?
15. Where is superman from?

Chapter 4: The World's Smallest Reporter

16. What did Mr. Mxy come from?
17. Who is the smallest reporter?
18. What did the lady have?
19. Who knew that the reporter is not?
20. What did Mxy do the superman?

Chapter 5: The Worst Monster

21. What did the crab legs do to the city?
22. What did superman do to trick Mxy?
23. What happened to the crab legs?
24. What happened to Leo?
25. What happened to Jimmy?

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