Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick, Chapter 3

Book: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick

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Chapter 3: Snowfall

1. Why did Hugo want the old man to hear him approaching?
2. What did the old man ask Hugo as he was closing the gate?
3. Why did Hugo tell the old man his real name?
4. Why won't the old man give Hugo his notebook?
5. What did the old man say he was going to do to Hugo's notebook?
6. Why did Hugo follow the old man?
7. Was Hugo dressed for the elements outside the train station?
8. Where did the old man live?
9. What was near the old man's apartment building?
10. What season is it in Paris?
11. Describe the old man's apartment building.
12. What did the old man say to Hugo as they passed the graveyard?
13. What color was the old man's apartment's door?
14. What did the old man mean by, "Don't you know that the sound of clicking boot heels can summon ghosts?"

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