Friday, October 21, 2016

Making Connections

Book: Science Resources, Grade 4
ISBN-10: 1-59242-996-3

Physical Sciences

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Section: Magnetism and Electricity

Making Connections

Making Static
1. What starts with atoms?
2. What are atoms?
3. What has a nucleus in the center?
4. The nucleus has negative charge.  True or False
5. What has tiny electrons?
6. What moves around the nucleus?
7. Electrons have negative charge.  True or False
8. How do electrons transfer?

Edison Sees the Light
9. Did Thomas Edison invent the electric lightbulb?
10. What 3 products did Thomas Edison invent?
11. What is the filament?
12. Where is the filament located in the image of the lightbulb on page 23?
13. What causes the filament to burn out?
14. Can electricity be delivered to the bulb if the lightbulb is not in the bulb holder?
15. What does the electric current have in a lightbulb?
16. What is the electric energy in a lightbulb converted to?
17. What is energy conversion?
18. Who said, "Invention is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration"?
19. Who got a patent for the carbon filament?
20. Who gets patents?
21. Who bought Latimer's patent?
22. What did Edison have to do to get the lightbulb to burn longer?
23. Who wrote books on electrical engineering?
24. Who wrote patents for new inventions?
25. Who was a founding member of the Edison Pioneers?
26. Who was African American in the Edison Pioneers?

Summary: Making Connections
27. What do we call tiny particles that go around the larger nucleus of an atom?
28. What have negative charges?
29. What has a positive charge?
30. The rubber has more electrons, so it has a _____________________.
31. The wool has fewer electrons, so it has a ____________________.
32. Items that have negative charges repel or attract?
33. Two objects with a negative charge always repel.  True or False
34. Two objects with a positive charge also repel.  True or False
35. Objects with positive and negative charges attract or repel?
36. Opposite charges attract.  True or False
37. What is charge on the move?
38. What type of source of electricity is a D-cell?
39. What is a copper wire?
40. Electricity flows in a pathway called a _______________.
41. What is a short circuit?
42. Electricity is a form of ______________.
43. What does conversion mean?
44. How do you get light energy?
45. How do you get motion energy?
46. How do you get heat energy?

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