Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Who Was Marco Polo? by Joan Holub, Chapter 1

Book: Who Was Marco Polo?
Author: Joan Holub
ISBN: 978-0-448-44540-3
Chapter 1: A Family of Merchants

Comments: Great children's version of the life of Marco Polo

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1. What year was Marco Polo born?
2. What was his father's name?
3. What was his uncle's name?
4. How old was Marco when he met his father?
5. What did Venetians use for money?
6. What were the names of the coins?
7. What was the Venetians measuring system?
8. Was Rome the most powerful trading city in the world during this time?
9. Venice is a group of _________ tiny islands connected by canals.
10. What were Venetian boats called?
11. Was Italy a country during this time period?  If not, what was it?
12. How many people lived in Venice during this time?
13. What is a city-state?
14. What products did Venice sell?
15. What was salt used for?
16. Without salt, fish and meat would rot within a ___________.
17. Salted fish and meat would last for _____________.
18. In what city was Marco's father in 1260?
19. Constantinople is located in ____________________ and it is now called __________________.
20. What does Kahn mean?
21. Who was Genghis Khan?
22. The Polos weren't able to return home because was broke out between __________ Khan and _______ Khan.  They were grandsons of the warlord ___________ Khan.
23. Where were the Polos trapped for 3 years?
24. What were the poeple from Mongolia called?
25. What was China called?
26. In the 1260's, people thought there were _____ continents.  What were the ____ continents?
27. How long did it take the Polos to reach Beijing, China?
28. What was the message Kublai wanted the Polos to give the Pope?

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