Friday, January 10, 2014

Force and Motion in Sports by Glen Phelan

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Book: Force and Motion in Sports
Author: Glen Phelan
ISBN: 978-0-02-202568-7


1. What sport is introduced in the Introduction?

Chapter 1: A World of Motion

2. What is motion?
3. What type of motion does a flying disc represent?
4. What type of motion does humming represent?
5. What is velocity?
6. What is acceleration?

Chapter 2: Forces Make It Go

7. What is force?
8. Muscles often work in pairs to allow body movement.  True or False
9. When one muscle relaxes, the other muscle pulls on bones to move your body.  True or False

Chapter 3: Invisible Forces

10. Gravity pulls all objects at the same rate.  True or False
11. Any two objects that fall from the same height at the same time will hit the ground at the same time.   True or False
12. What is gravity?
13. What is a projectile?
14. What is friction?
15. Friction makes you go fast.  True or False
16. Does friction occur when a solid object touches liquid and gas?
17. What is friction with the air called?


18. What sport do you play that uses force and motion?

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