Friday, January 10, 2014

Fighting for Rights by Ann M. Rossi

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Book: Fighting for Rights
Author: Ann M. Rossi
ISBN: 978-0-02-202941-8


1. “In the early 1800s women in the United States had few rights.” What types of jobs could they do?
2. What types of jobs couldn’t they do?
3. Could women vote during this time?
4. Did men and women earn the same for the same type of job?
5. When a woman married, who got to keep all her property?
6. Did the wife have control of her money and who decided if she got spending money?
7. Who stayed with the children if they divorced?
8. Which two women played a role in changing the way women should be treated?

Chapter 1: Elizabeth Cady Stanton

9. In what year was Elizabeth Cady born?
10. What did Elizabeth’s father studied?
11. In what field did Elizabeth’s father work?
12. What did Elizabeth’s father let her read at home?
13. How many brothers and sisters did Elizabeth have?
14. Did colleges accept women in the 1830s?
15. What was the name of Elizabeth’s cousin who introduced her to people who wanted to end slavery?
16. Who did her cousin introduce her to?
17. When people got married in the 1840s, what word was included in most wedding vows?
18. What were women expected to do when they married in the 1840s?
19. To what city did the Stanton’s travel to in 1840 for a antislavery meeting?
20. Who did Elizabeth meet in London?
21. The men attending the 1840 antislavery meeting in London planted a seed on their wives.  What was the seed?
22. Lucretia Mott was aQ_________________ minister and a well-known a______________.  She started the P_____________________ F______________________ A____________________________ S_________________________.
23. In what year was the trip to London?
24. In what year was the convention held?
25. How many years had passed between the trip and the convention?
26. Why do you think it took so long to hold their first convention?
27. Compare and contrast yourself to Lucretia Mott or Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
28. What did the women right for their first convention?
29. How many women wrote this document?
30. What was this document about?
31. What was a big idea in this document?
32. Imagine if once you reached 18years old, you couldn’t vote.  Compare and contrast how your life would change and stay the same.
33. Where was the convention held?
34. What was the Declaration of Sentiments modeled after?
35. Were the newspapers for or against the goals of the convention?

Chapter 2: Susan B. Anthony

36. What did the Quakers believe in the 1820s?
37. Was this belief rare in the 1820s and why?
38. Susan was born 5 years after Elizabeth.  In what year was Susan born?
39. Susan learned to read by the age of ____________.
40. What did Susan’s father decide to do?
41. In what state did Susan go to boarding school?
42. What did Susan’s father own?
43. What profession did Susan do when she finished school?
44. What was the name of the academy that Susan taught in?
45. What type of group did Susan join?
46. What is a temperance group?
47. What was the Underground Railroad?
48. The slaves that escaped through the Underground Railroad went to the country of ______________________.  Why did they go to this country?
49. Who, was an escaped captive and famous abolitionist, helped people escape using the Underground Railroad?
50. In what year did Susan and Elizabeth meet?
51. How did they meet?
52. Give one fact for chapter 1, write and quote the sentence here:___________________________________________________________________________________
53. Give one opinion for chapter 1, write and quote the sentence here: _________________________________________________________________________________________
54. What event in 1852 changed Susan’s life that made her decide to start a temperance group ran by women?

Chapter 3: Working Together
55. Compare and contrast the two women, Susan and Elizabeth, on page 15.
56. What was the 1854 petition about?
57. What event caused the women’s rights movement to slowdown during the years of 1861 to 1865?
58. In 1863, Elizabeth and Susan helped form a group called the __________________________________________________________________________.  This group collected ____________________________ of people who supported an end to slavery.
59. Why were the signatures important?
60. Why was this amendment important?
61. Disagreement over what issue caused suffragists to form two groups in 1869?
62. What were the names of the two suffrage groups?
63. What was NWSA supporting?
64. Who was not allowed to join NWSA?
65. What was AWSA supporting?
66. If you were living back then, which group would you join and why?
67. In what year were women allowed to vote in 2 states?
68. How many years passed since the disagreement of the two groups (1869) and the two states allowing women to vote?
69. In what year did the two suffrage groups merge?
70. What was the name of this new group?
71. What number was the amendment that gave the women the right to vote?
72. How many states had to ratify it to become law?
73. When was the 19th Amendment passed?
74. In what year did Elizabeth die?
75. In what year did Susan die?
76. How many years after Elizabeth Stanton died, did the 19th Amendment get passed?
77. How many years after Susan B. Anthony died, did the 19th Amendment pass?
78. Who started the League of Women Voters?
79. In what year did she start this?
80. What was her belief in starting this organization?
81. This organization was designed to ____________  ______________________ become educated about political issues.
82. What did the organization encourage women to do?

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