Monday, December 23, 2013

From The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein by Johanna Hurwitz

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Book: From The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein
Author: Johanna Hurwitz
ISBN: 978-0-02-199970-5

1. How old was David Bernstein when he chose his new name?
2. How many Davids’ are in his class?
3. What did Mrs. Booxbaum give extra credit for?
4. What book did the librarian recommend?
5. What new name did David want to be called?
6. Did his parents agree with David changing his name?
7. What were the birthday party choices Ali Baba’s mother give him for his party?
8. Did any of the birthday party choices interest Ali Baba?
9. How many boys in class had given bowling parties?
10. How many kids had movie parties?
11. How many students gave roller-skating parties?
12. What type of birthday party did Ali Baba want?
13. What does RSVP mean?
14. RSVP is a ___________________ abbreviation.
15. How many invitations were printed by David at his father’s office?
16. How many David’s accepted to attend David’s birthday party the first week?
17. How many David’s accepted after the first week?
18. How many David’s called saying they couldn’t attend?
19. How many David’s didn’t call?
20. What was served for dinner at David’s party?
21. What was the first guest wearing?
22. Which David Bernstein requested Kasha Varnishkas?
23. Where did all the David’s live?
24. What is the occupation of the David that is wearing the running suit?
25. The David that is wearing the running shoes is the only David Bernstein that finished the New York City Marathon.
26. What type of gifts did David get?
27. How did the story end?

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