Friday, July 1, 2016

Millennials can't afford to be color-blind about race by Victor Luckerson

Magazine: Time
Date: July 20, 2015
Article: Millennials can't afford to be color-blind about race
Author: Victor Luckerson
Page: 25

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Comments: This is a good opinion piece for middle school students to evaluate.

1. How do history books show racism?
2. What do history books miss about racism?
3. What is racial progress met with?
4. What does the resistance look like?
5. How old was Dylann Roof?
6. How do millennials like to see themselves?
7. What percentage of the people, 14 to 24 years old, on the 2014 survey by MTV said they believed in racial equality?
8. Same survey from #7, what percentage says their generation believed in equality more than older Americans did?
9. Same survey from #7, how many respondents were raised in households that talked about race?
10. Same survey from #7, what percentage of respondents felt comfortable talking about biases against specific groups?
11. What do young people see as a badge of honor?
12. White households are how many times richer than black households?
13. This is the largest gap in wealth since _____.
14. A black person is how many times more likely than a white person to be arrested for drug possession?
15. What survey said that 31% of white millennials rated blacks lazier than whites?
16. What percentage was Gen X on the same question #15?
17. What percentage was the Baby Boomers on the same question #15?
18. What percentage of white millennials rated blacks less intelligent than whites?
19. What percentage of white Gen Xers rate blacks less intelligent than whites?
20. The majority of children under 5 years old in the U.S. are nonwhite.  True or False


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