Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Glass Slipper, Gold Sandal by Paul Fleischman

Book: Glass Slipper, Good Sandal
Author: Paul Fleischman
ISBN: 978-0-8050-7953-1

Comments:  I really enjoyed this book.  I highly recommend parents read this book.  It is nice to know the different version of Cinderella.

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1. What century is the first recorded Cinderella story?
2. From what country did Cinderella originate?
3. In what country did the Cinderella story acquired the glass slipper?
4. What occupation was Cinderella's dad?
5. What did the widow give Cinderella as she passed her house?
6. Look at all the drawings and the bottom of the page.  From what country is this version?
7. On page 4, what did Cinderella's stepmother have her do all day long?
8. To whom did the stepmother give Cinderella's room?
9. Where did Cinderella sleep?
10. From what country is this version of Cinderella on page 4?
11. On page 5, why would Cinderella tell her father how her stepmother was treating her?
12. Why would Cinderella's stepmother only give her a few scraps of food?
13. From which country is this version of the story on page 5?
14. What did the cattle give Cinderella?
15. From what country is this version?
16. From which country is the fairy giving her figs and apricots?
17. From which country is the Godfather Snake giving her rice?
18. The Cinderella version from Ireland says, "her own sour faced daughters would curdle the milk if they looked at it twice."  What does this mean to you?
19. How is the Zimbabwe version on page 8 different than the version you know?
20. The Zimbabwe version has a Great King.  The version you know has a Great King or a King?
21. The version you know has a prince getting married, while this version of Zimbabwe has no __________________.
22. From what country is the version that the stepmother threw lentils into the ashes so Cinderella couldn't go to the palace?
23. From which country is the Cinderella version that the stepmother scoured all the kitchen pots?
24. Which country adopted that the lentils were pecked from the ashes by the sparrows?
25. Which country adopted a witch coming in and spoke a spell and all the pots cleaned themselves?
26. What was Laos' version of Cinderella on page 10?
27. What was Russia's version of Cinderella on page 10?
28. What was Indonesia's version of Cinderella on page 10?
29. Which country has the cloak sewn of King Fisher Feathers?
30. Does Japan have the blue kimono as the sea in their Cinderella story?
31. France had the glass slipper.  India had ____________________________________.  Iraq has ___________________________________________.
32. The West Indies had a big round _________________ instead of a pumpkin.
33. The Polish version said the musician stopped playing because she was so beautiful.  True or False
34. The French version had the midnight deadline for the spell to end.  The Indonesian version had a _________________ instead of a cloak.
35. The Irish version has Cinderella leaving the ball on a ________________.
36. The Irish version has the Prince chasing after Cinderella and grabbing her leg as she rides/gallops away keeping her ____________________.
37. How much area does the king cover in, the Chinese version, searching for Cinderella?
38. Which version of Cinderella did the king travel across deserts looking for her?
39. Which version did the stepmother hide her in a mat?
40. Which version has a rooster saying, "They put the ugly one on show, And hid the beauty down below"?
41. What does the Korean version say?
42. The Zimbabwe version had what type of fruit at the feast?
43. The Indian version of Cinderella had what type of food at the feast?
44. The Irish version of Cinderella had what type of food at the feast?
45. The Mexican version of Cinderella had what type of food at the feast?

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