Saturday, September 5, 2015

When Wishes Were Horses by Sharon Hart Addy

Book: When Wishes Were Horses
Author: Sharon Hart Addy
ISBN: 0-618-13166-3

Answer Key

Comment: This is a story about a boy whose wishes were horses.  The story does a good job introducing a child to different breed of horses.

1. What was the name of the town?
2. What was the boy's name?
3. What was the name of the general store?
4. What did Zeb have to buy from the general store?
5. What do you think is a cowhand?
6. What's a white Stetson?
7. After Zeb's wish, what appeared?
8. What did Zeb throw on the horse's back?
9. What does the author mean by Zeb "rode home bareback"?
10. What did Zeb yell as he rode home?
11. What was Ma's reaction to Zeb's news about the horse?
12. What was Ma doing when Zeb got home?
13. What type of horse appeared at the boarding house kitchen?
14. What do you think the author meant by writing, "Zeb took one look at the vexation on Ma's face and followed the Palomino"?
15. What do you think the author meant by writing, "completely discombobulating Mrs. Vander Snooty"?
16. What type of horse stood nose to nose with Mrs. Vander Snooty?
17. Who is Mr. Goody?
18. What appeared while Zeb was talking to Mr. Goody?
19. What type of horse danced inside Goody's General Store?
20. What did the horse kick open in the general store?
21. Where did Zeb collapse?
22. What type of horse appeared at the schoolhouse?
23. How was Zeb able to end his ability to wish for horses?
24. Who appeared on the horizon?


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