Monday, August 10, 2015

Who Was Albert Einstein? by Jess Brallier

Book: Who Was Albert Einstein?
Author: Jess Brallier  
ISBN 978-0-448-42496-5

Answer Key

Introduction: Who Was Albert Einstein?
1. Was Einstein a good student?
2. Was Einstein a peace-loving person?
3. Einstein loved the glamour life.  True or False

Chapter 1: Born to Think
4. What year was Einstein born?
5. In which country was he born?
6. How old was Einstein until he spoke?
7. When Einstein was young, he was quiet and a thinker.  True or False
8. In what city or town was Einstein born?
9. On page 6 it says, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”  What does this mean to you?
10. “Knowledge is limited.”  What does this mean to you?
11. “Imagination encircles the world.”  What does this mean to you?
12. At what age did Einstein start teaching himself?
13. What instrument did Einstein play?
14. In what city was his sister born?
15. What is the name of his sister?

Chapter 2: What’s to be done with a Genius?
16. How old was Albert when he started high school?
17. What made Albert nervous in high school?
18. What did Albert called his teachers?
a. Why did he call them that?
19. What was Albert’s favorite subject?
a. Why was that his favorite subject?
20. What math subject was to Albert like solving a puzzle?
21. Who taught Albert Geometry?
22. What subject was like playing with blocks for Albert?
23. What did Albert find the classes boring?
24. What was the name of the boy that seemed like an “older brother” to Albert?
25. What religious faith did Albert’s family follow?
26. What food type of meat did Albert refuse to eat?
27. What do you think Albert meant by when he said “Ideas come from God”?
28. What do you think Albert meant by when he said “read God’s mind”?
29. How old was Albert when Max moved to America?
30. What year was this? (Hint: look back at question #4)
31. To what country did Albert’s family moved because of his father’s business?
32. What do you think Albert’s state of mind was when he said, “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of the truth”?
33. Why did Albert get expelled from school?

Chapter 3
34. Why does the book say on page 22, “Italians were so friendly, civilized, and open-minded”?  IN your opinion, do you think Albert felt that Germans weren’t friendly, civilized, and open-minded?
35. Who was Nicholas Copernicus?
36. In what time period did Nicholas Copernicus lived?
37. What crazy idea for the time did Nicholas Copernicus have?
38. What is the name of the scientist who was arrested for agreeing with Nicholas Copernicus’ idea that the earth orbited around the sun?
39. At what age did Albert Einstein have his first scientific published?
40. In what year did Copernicus die?
41. Why do scientists “get a paper published”?
42. Einstein disagreed with the popular belief of the time that the “empty” part of outer space-the part without planets and moons- was filled with something called “ether.”  True or False
43. What is physics?
44. By reading page 28-29, do you think Einstein wanted to have a family?
45. What was different at the Swiss high school than the German high school?
46. On page 30, the author writes, “Not only did Albert like his Swiss school, he also liked the Swiss people.  They were friendly and fair.”  What do you think the author mean by this statement?
47. What is the name of the college Albert attended?  In what city is the college located?
48. What was the name of the only girl in Albert’s class?
49. In what year did Albert graduate college?
50. What occupation was Albert planning on doing after college?
51. Where was Albert’s first job?

Chapter 4: The Best Years
52. What is a patent?
53. What was like solving a puzzle for Albert?
54. What are dimensions?
55. What is the fourth dimension Albert threw into measuring?
56. In what year was Albert married?
57. "Many of the greatest scientific achievements of the twentieth century-electronics, the atomic bomb, space travel-were all suggested by Einstein in the papers he published while he worked at the patent office."
58. Who convinced Einstein to become a professor?  In what year?
59. What is Einstein's theory of "Relativity"?
60. Is this part of Einstein's theory of relativity?  "The speed of a moving object depends on how it's being viewed."  True or False
61. Albert claimed that light bent as it traveled through space.  True or False
62. In which country was Einstein going to prove his theory of light bending as it traveled through space?
63. What does the "E" stand for in his famous formula?
64. What does the "m" stand for?
65. What is mass?
66. What is mass like?
67. What does the "c" stand for?

Chapter 5: Albert Hits High Gear
68. Who didn't like Berlin?
69. Mileva wasn't a good scientist.  True or False
70. Who offered Albert a job in Berlin?
71. How many people in the world in 1913 understood relativity?  How many of those lived in Berlin?
72. Did Albert abandoned his family?
73. How many children did he leave behind?
74. In what year did Albert win the Nobel Prize?
75. What was the name of Albert's oldest son?
76. What was the name of Albert's youngest son?
77. What did Han's grow up to be?
78. What did Eduard suffer from?
79. Who was Elsa?
80. With whom did Albert have his greatest theories with, Mileva or Elsa?
81. In what year did World War I erupt?
82. In which country was Albert going to prove his theory of curving light?
83. What happened to Albert and to the other scientist when war broke out and they were in Russia?
84. Which countries stopped the German victories in Worl War I?
85. When did German lose the war?
86. From which country was Albert a citizen from?

Chapter 6: War...Again
87. What was the name of the land that Israel is located today?
88. Who presented Albert with the key to the city?
89. Who invited Einstein to the White House?
90. Who took control of Germany in 1930?
91. Who burned books from the Universities libraries in Germany?
92. Who declared a National holiday when Einstein arrived to their country?
93. What was the name of the book that was published against Einstein?
94. What is the official name of the Nazi Party?
95. What was the name of the person who became Chancellor of Germany in 1933?
96. What did Hitler's government denied Jews?
97. How many Jews did Hitler's government kill?
98. In what year did Hitler place a death warrant on Einstein?
99. In what year did Hitler place a death warrant on Einstein?
100. In what year did the German government seize Einstein's home and  and money?
101. In what city/town did the German find a knife that made Einstein a dangerous man?
102. In what country did the Einstein's rent a house?
103. Why couldn't the Einstein's live in England?
104. What University in the U.S. offer Einstein a job?
105. What subject did Einstein teach?
106. How much did Einstein earn as a professor?
107. How old was Einstein when his wife died?
108. In what year did Elsa die?
109. In what year did Einstein hear that European scientists were working on an atomic bomb?
110. In what year did the U.S. release an atomic bomb on Hiroshima?
111. How many people died?
112. In how many days later did the U.S. release another atomic bomb?
113. What was the name of the city?
114. Which countries were fighting with England?
115. Which countries were fighting with Germany?
116. In what year did Einstein become a citizen of U.S.?
117. What was the name of the last theory that Einstein worked on?

Chapter 7: Albert's Time Is Up
118. In what year was the Jewish nation of Israel created?
119. Who asked Einstein to become their next President?
120. Who got all of Einstein's papers when he died?
121. In what year did Einstein died?

Chapter 8: A Final Thought
122. Dr. Thomas Harvey moved to which city?
123. What happened to Einstein's brain when Dr. Harvey moved?
124. Was Einstein's brain bigger or smaller than average?
125. How much wider was Einstein's brain?
126. What was special about the grooves in Einstein's brain?
127. Who got a piece of Einstein's brain?


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