Sunday, January 1, 2017

The 39 Clues, The Maze of Bones by Rick Riordan

Book: The 39 Clues, The Maze of Bones
Author: Rick Riordan
ISBN: 978-0-454-09054-4
Fourth Grade Student: EH (California)

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Chapter 1

1. What is the name of the main character?
2. What is the cat's name?
3. What did the cat do?

Chapter 2

4. What did Dan Cahill think?
5. How much money did his sister burn?
6. What did Dan like to do?

Chapter 3

7. What did Amy Cahill think?
8. What did Amy's little brother almost cause?
9. What did Dan have below his eye?
10. How did Dan get the scarf?

Chapter 4

11. How many Skittles did Dan eat?
12. What did Dan dream?
13. What did Dan like?
14. How much did each word cost Dan?
15. Who said Dan is getting a headache?

Chapter 5

16. Where did Amy almost die?
17. What did Amy check?
18. What was wrong with the computer?
19. What did the computer show?
20. Where was Amy's cat?

Chapter 6

21. What did Dan always want?
22. Why did Dan's chest hurt?
23. What did Amy whisper?
24. Where did Beatrice live?
25. What did Dan think?

Chapter 7

26. What did her poison do to the people?
27. What else does the poison do?
28. What did she prefer?
29. Where did she buy coffee?

Chapter 8

30. What was Nellie holding?
31. What did Nellie answer?
32. What did the envelope say?
33. What did Amy say?

Chapter 9

34. What did Dan think about explosions?
35. What street were they on?
36. Where was William wearing a bandage?
37. Where did he have a cut?
38. What did Amy call Jeffrey University?

Chapter 10

39. What did Ian use to get there?
40. What can Amy's mom do?
41. What did Ian say?
42. What did Amy say in French?
43. Who did she say that to?

Chapter 11

44. What did Dan and Nellie do?
45. What can that cause?
46. What is tinitus?
47. What book did she read?
48. When did she read it?
Chapter 12

49. What did he want to check out?
50. What are the 9.99 other million people not wearing?
51. What did Dan ask?
52. What hasn't Amy Done?
53. What does Irina have?

Chapter 13

54. What did the ice cream man have?
55. Who were they playing with?
56. What were they playing with?
57. What did Arnold pretend?
58. What color did Madison's face turn to?

Chapter 14

59. Where was Amy going in a rush?
60. Where were they sitting?
61. What were they doing?
62. What did Amy say?
63. Who were the first ones to test Franklin's theories?

Chapter 15

64. What did Dan think?
65. What color is Nellie's face?
66. What did Nellie ask?
67. What did the other people do to them?
68. What were the other people going to throw on Amy?

Chapter 16

69. What does Amy hate?
70. What did Nellie translate?
71. What did Nellie say?
72. What did Dan ask?
73. How many bases are there?

Chapter 17

74. What did Dan feel?
75. What wasn't there?
76. What couldn't Dan be stopped thinking about?
77. What did Dan have for memory of his parents?
78. Where was he lost?

Chapter 18

79. What did Amy imagine?
80. What did Grace say?
81. What did Dad do?
82. What did Day say?
83. What did Amy say?

Chapter 19

84. What did Dan think?
85. Where did Dan think he left it?
86. Where was the second clue?
87. What was happening outside?
88. What did Amy do?

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