Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dear Juno by Soyung Pak

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For Answer Key

    This story is found in "California Treasures" book published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill for many school districts.  The story is written by Soyung Pak.  She has written other books like "A Place to Grow" and "Sumi's First Day of School Ever." 
     This story is found in Unit 3, Express Yourself, 3rd Grade Edition.  The setting of the story takes place in the United States. The story is about a Korean family living in the U.S., while grandmother lives in Korea. The following are reading comprehension questions on this story.

1.       What was Juno watching that night? (p. 316) (A) _______________________________________
2.       As Juno looked at A, he wondered where they came from and where they were going. (p. 316) True or False
3.       The blinking lights were __________________________. (p. 316)
4.       What are persimmons? (p. 316) ____________________________________________________
5.       What told Juno that the letter came from a far-away place? (p. 316) _____________________________________________________________________________
6.       What was printed in front of the letter? (p. 316) _____________________________________
7.       What did the letter have on the corner? (p. 316) _____________________________________
8.       What clue do you see on page 318 that tells you that Juno couldn’t read the letter? _____________________________________________________________________________
9.       What was the name of his dog?  (p. 319) ____________________________________________
10.   What was inside the letter? (p.320) ________________________________________________
11.   What couldn’t Juno understand? (p. 320) ___________________________________________
12.   Do you think the letters were different than the ones we use? (p. 320) Yes  or  No
13.   How does Juno know that his grandmother has a new cat? (p. 323) _____________________________________________________________________________
14.   How does Juno know that his grandmother is growing red and yellow flowers? (p. 323) _____________________________________________________________________________
15.   What was the name of grandma’s cat? (p. 325) ___________________________________
16.   What did Juno show his class? (p. 327) _____________________________________________________________________________
17.   What did his teacher do with his letter? (p. 327) ______________________________________
18.   What did Juno decide to do? (p. 327) _______________________________________________
19.   What did Juno pick from his tree? (p. 328) ___________________________________________
20.   What was the second thing Juno did when he got home? (p. 328) _____________________________________________________________________________
21.   What was the third thing Juno did after he arrived home from school? (p. 328) ___________________________________________________________________
22.   What was the first thing he drew? (p. 330) ___________________________________________
23.   What was the second thing he drew? (p. 330) ________________________________________
24.   What was the third thing he did? (p. 330) ____________________________________________
25.   What was the final thing he did? (p. 330) _____________________________________________
26.   What did Juno’s parents do when Juno gave them the letter? (p. 332) _____________________________________________________________________________
27.   What did Juno’s grandmother send him? (p. 334-335) 3 Items:  1) _________________________, 2) _____________________________,  3) _________________
28.   Why does Juno’s grandmother have to find a new name for her cat? (p. 335) __________________________________________________________________
29.   What does Juno dream about that night? (p. 336) _______________________________________

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