Saturday, February 25, 2017

You Can Buy Happiness (and It's Cheap) by Tammy Strobel, Chapter 12

Book: You Can Buy Happiness (and It's Cheap)
Author: Tammy Strobel
ISBN: 978-1-60868-083-2

label: Todd Kashdan,

Chapter 12: The Power of Tiny Pleasures

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Page 166

1. Humans are notoriously bad at predicting what will make them happy.
2. One major reason for simplifying my life the way I have has been to reverse this equation: to emphasize right now over what may or may not be tomorrow.
3. Curious? by Todd Kashdan
4. Kashdan's research shows that if you're constantly seeking out new information and experiences, and then integrating them into your life, new pathways form in your brain.

Page 167

5. Happiness research has shown that people who savor life experiences are less neurotic and more self-confident.
6. Humans adapt to any type of experience, but scholars suggest that we're less likely to adapt to tiny pleasures because, by their nature, they are unexpected and different each time they occur.
7. Happiness is something you have to practice every day.
8. How do you practice happiness?  By choosing activities that spur your curiosity and engagement with the present moment.
9. There is a lot of value to a simpler life-one that focuses on small acts of kindness, developing social connections, expressing gratitude, being mindful, and even purchasing a few tiny pleasures.

Page 168

10. Working with victims of violence altered my perception of the world; it stretched me in a good way.  I became cognizant of the importance of kindness and social support.  Social support is critical to leading a happy and healthy life.
11. For me, an act of kindness is an expression of compassionate gratitude that increases my appreciation of what I already have.

Page 171

12. Researchers at Duke University found that a twenty-minute walk three time sa week was more effective than being on an antidepressant.
13. Gallup Healthways Well-Being Index, which revealed," Those who exercise at least two days per week report experiencing more happiness and less stress than those who do not."
14. Physical exercise keeps you fit, gives you more energy, makes you feel less stressed, and even makes you more apt to be kind to others.
15. If you want to increase your overall happiness, you need to exercise.
16. Micro-Actions
a. Make a list of your current tiny pleasures
b. Do something kind for another person everyday
c. Ruminate Less
d. Identify one thing you can do every day to improve a skill

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