Thursday, December 29, 2016

Beauty And The Beaks, A Turkey's Cautionary Tale by Mary Jane and Herm Auch

Book: Beauty And The Beaks, A Turkey's Cautionary Tale
Author: Mary Jane and Herm Auch
ISBN-13: 978-0-8234-1990-6

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1. Where was the center of gossip?
2. What was Beauty the proprietor of?
3. What was the mission of the beauty shop?
4. What was Beauty's favorite eggercise?
5. Why did Beauty like to eggercise?
6. Who is Beauty's assistant?
7. What type of bird is Lance?
8. What were the names of the other birds that new about the feast?
9. Why is Lance bragging that he is the only bird invited to the feast?
10. What did Beauty decide to do to get to the bottom about this feast?
11. What did Beauty find out about the feast?
12. How did Beauty help Lance?
13. What were the two failed attempts to get Lance to safety?
14. What was Beauty's idea to save Lance?
15. What are the names of the farmers?
16. Which farmer wanted a plump hen for Thanksgiving dinner?
17. What did the farmers do instead of having chicken for Thanksgiving?
18. How did Lance enjoy life as a hen?
19. What were the two things Lance enjoyed as his new life as a hen?
20. Was Lance ever able to leave the farmer?  How do you know?

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