Friday, May 13, 2016

War and Rape by Aryn Baker

Magazine: Time Magazine
Date: April 18, 2016
Article: War and Rape, The most shameful consequence of conflict comes out into the open
Page: 36
Author:  Aryn Baker

Comments: I guess you are wondering why this article is here, in this kids blog.  Well, a high percentage of my visitors are parents.  I would say, a very very low percentage of my visitors are elementary students.  This site is made for parents and not children.  So, when reading this article, I began to think that I must put it here, in this blog... where parents look for information for their children.  Parents have to know what is going on to women in other parts of the world.  I hope you read this article that was published in Time Magazine, April 18, 2016's issue, page 36 by reporter Aryn Baker.  It is a very moving article, that the information will stay with you as it has with me.

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Go to Answer Key

1. What is the name of the victim?
2. Who is fighting in South Sudan's Civil War?
3. What is the name of the President of South Sudan?
4. What is the name of the Vice President of South Sudan?
5. What tribe is the President of South Sudan?
6. What tribe is the Vice President of South Sudan?
7. According to the United Nations, how many people have been killed in this Civil War?
8. According to the U.N., how many people are at risk of famine?
9. What is the Make Way Partners in Uganda?
10. What was Mary's daughter's name?
11. How many women were raped in the Congo's Civil War?
12. In which country, in 1998 was rape prosecuted as a tool of genocide?
13. Who prosecuted this case?
14. What was the conflict in Rwanda?
15. Who prosecuted rape as a crime against humanity and a war crime?
16. For what event?
17. Who founded Panzi Hospital?
18. Who is Christine Schuler-Deschryver?
19. Who is Dr. Neema Rukunghu?
20. What is City of Joy?
21. What is the name of the capital of South Sudan?
22. How many children were born of rape over the past two decades in eastern Congo?
23. What happens to these children if they don't have a father's name on the birth certificate?
24. In what area of the world is this a practice that children can't get national IDs?
25. What aren't you entitled to if you don't have a national ID?
26. What problem do these children face?
27. What is the Helms Amendment?
28. When was the Helms Amendment enacted?
29. What is the result of this U.S. law on most international humanitarian medical organizations?
30. What does the program "Living Peace"do?
31. "Living Peace" is funded by _____________.
32. Who founded Living Peace's Goma group?
33. How can you change the thinking of men, about how they feel about women being inferior?
34. Why has there been a reduction in cases of rape in the Congo in two years (2013-2014)?
35. How many cases of rape were reported in 2013?
36. How many cases of rape were reported in 2014?
37. There are still many cases that weren't reported.  Do you think prosecuting soldiers is helping to stop rape?
38. Where do the Yezidi religious group live?
39. Which two countries are facing escalating war rape cases?


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