Monday, January 6, 2014

A Change of Weather by Kirsten Anderson

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Book: A Change of Weather
Author: Kirsten Anderson
ISBN: 978-0-02-202343-0

Chapter 1: Lonely Town

1. Where do Mark and Alicia live?
2. Their town is located outside of what city?
3. In what state is the town located?
4. Mark and Alicia just moved from ________________________.
5. What were the names of Alicia’s friends in Miami?
6. What was the name of their dog?

Chapter 2: Weather Trouble

7. What was the name of the elementary school they attended?
8. What was the name of Mark’s elementary teacher?
9. What was the name of Alicia’s elementary teacher?
10. What are Mark and Alicia going to do their project on?
11. What were the names of Alicia’s classmates she saw at the library?
12. Why was their mother not able to pick them up at 3pm?

Chapter 3: Making the Best of Things

13. What did Alicia pick up at the picture book section?
14. Who asked Alicia what she was reading?
15. What sports do Alicia and Julie have in common?
16. What did Mark do to help stop the children from crying in the library?

Chapter 4: Library Party

17. Who gave them something to eat?
18. What were they offer to eat as the storm past?
19. As their mother pulled-up to the library, she said “I hope you two weren’t too bored.”

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