Friday, January 31, 2014

Jani and the Leopard/ The Tiger-Stripe Potion by Rebecca Motil

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Book: Jani and the Leopard/ The Tiger-Stripe Potion
Author: Rebecca Motil
ISBN: 978-0-02-202635-6/ 978-0-02-203055-1

Chapter 1: Jani Meets a Leopard/ The Leopard in the Cave

1. When Jani arrived from school, whom did she talk to? (A)
2. What did Jani tell A she learned at school today?
3. What did Jani dream about that night?
4. At what time did Jani wake up?
5. Was Jani in her bedroom when she woke up?
6. Where was Jani?
7. Who/what did she see or meet?
8. How was the leopard feeling? (B)
9. Why was the leopard B?
10. Who took his family?
11. Why are they in a science laboratory?
12. Why can’t they ask the scientist for the potion?
13. Why do they want tiger stripes?
14. What is the leopard’s name?
15. What did Asha mean by “that’s a logical place to look,” when they were looking for the scientist’s notebook?
16. Where did Asha and Jani find the formula?
17. Where was the notebook located?
18. How long does the potion work?
19. Is Asha’s family being held in a city or village?  ( C )

Chapter 2: A Tiger/ The Tiger in the Forest

20. What was the trail like towards C?
21. In what country are they?
22. What was the climate like?
23. As they walked towards the village, who was about to attack them?
24. Describe Jani’s attitude towards the poachers.  Did Jani seem scared?
25. Who/what did they run into after the poachers?  (D)
26. What as D’s name?
27. Why were Jani and Asha afraid of D?
28. Who guided Jani and Asha to the village?

Chapter 3: Safe!/ The Rescue

29. Where was the cage located within the village?
30. How many leopards were in the cage?
31. What was the group’s plan on getting Asha’s family out of the cage?
32. Who smiled at the guard?
33. What did the guard say to Kartik?
34. What happened when Kartik smiled again?
35. How did the leopards get out of the cage?
36. How did the leopards escape from the village?

Chapter 4: Was It a Dream?/ Home Again

37. Who considered Kartik as a friend?
38. Did Kartik and the leopards walk off into the jungle together?
39. How did Jani get back home?
40. How long was Jani gone from her home?
41. Do you think Jani was dreaming or did she really go into a forest?  Use text from the story to support your answer.
42. Compare and contrast yourself with Jani.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Everyday Beauty- Beautiful or Not by Kirsten Anderson

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Book: Beautiful or Not
            Everyday Beauty
Author: Kirsten Anderson
ISBN: 978-0-02-202438-3

Chapter 1: The Perfect Picture

1. What did Carly take a picture of?
2. What was the first thing Carly did when she got home?
3. How did Carly react to her photos once she saw them on the computer?
4. Who plays the drums in Carly’s family?
5. What is Carly’s brother’s name?
6. What did Carly do with her camera once she saw the pictures of the hummingbird on the computer?
7. Did her brother keep her camera?
8. What has Carly always been fascinated with?

Chapter 2: A Tip from a Visitor/ A Visitor

9. Carly and Brad never helped their parents at their place of business.  True or False
10. What type of business did Carly’s family own?
11. Where did tourist go to fish and camp during the summer?
12. In what state was this wildlife refuge located?
13. What was the name of Carly’s town?
14. Was Carla bored living in this area?
15. What type of animals would Carla see?
16. In what city did Carly’s cousins lived?
17. What did Carla wondered in page 9?
18. Where was the young couple heading to?
19. When was the dam built?
20. What did the dam block?
21. What did dam create?
22. Carla discovered a new photographer on this day.  What was the name of the photographer?
23. When was the picture in the magazine taken?

Chapter 3: Learning from the Past/ Carly Learns from the Past

24. Was Carly fascinated with the glamorous pictures that Margaret Bourke-White took?
25. Which series of pictures did Carly find the most interesting?

Chapter 4: The Perfect Picture, Part II/ Carly Tries Something New

26. What were the names of her dogs?
27. Compare and Contrast you and Carly.
28. Compare and Contrast your neighborhood and Carly’s neighborhood.
29. Quote 3 facts
a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________________________
30. Quote 3 opinions
a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________________________
31. Write down one event that happened in the story.  In a few sentences write the cause and the effect of the event.

About The History of the Calendar by A.E. Evenson

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Summary: Traces the history of the calendar from ancient times to the sixteenth century when the Gregorian calendar used today came into being.

Comment:  Excellent book for your elementary school child to read.  This is history that isn't covered in school text books.

Book: About The History of the Calendar
Author: A.E. Evenson
ISBN: 0-516-08092-X

Chapter 1: Nature’s Calendars

1. What are natural calendars?
2. How did the farmers tell time long ago?
3. What natural calendar did the farmers have to know when it was time to plant?

Chapter 2: Moon Calendars

4. What do you call when the moon changes shape?
5. How many days does it take for the moon to go through all its phases?
6. What do you call a calendar that is based on the phases of the moon?
7. What was the first day of the month called?
8. What were the names of the months in the lunar calendar?
9. Lunar months were shorter than our months.  True or False
10. Twelve lunar months were greater than a year.  True or False
11. What was the 13th month in the lunar calendar called?

Chapter 3: The Calendar of Julius Caesar

12. Who decided to add the extra month to the lunar calendar?
13. Why, sometimes, wouldn’t the rulers of Rome not add the extra month?
14. Why did some rulers often add extra months?
15. What did adding and not adding the extra month to the lunar calendar cause?
16. How was the calendar when Julius Caesar became ruler of Rome?
17. When was December appearing when Julius Caesar became rule of Rome?
18. What did Julius Caesar do to correct the calendar?
19. How did Julius Caesar correct the calendar?
20. How many days did the year 46 B.C. have?
21. What was this year called?
22. What was accomplished by this action?
23. What calendar did Julius Caesar do away with?
24. What calendar did Julius Caesar start using?
25. What was this calendar based on?
26. What do we call the year that we add an extra day?
27. How many days does February have in a Leap Year?
28. How many days does February have?
29. What did Romans call their solar calendar?
30. What was the name of the month in the lunar calendar Julius Caesar was born?
31. The Romans renamed Quintilis to ____________________.
32. Augustus renamed Sextilis to August.  True or False

Chapter 4: Pope Gregory Changes the Calendar

33. How many days in a year?
34. How many minutes off was the Julian calendar?
35. How many days was the Julian calendar off by the 1500s?
36. What did Pope Gregory XIII do in 1582?
37. The calendar jumped from Thursday, October 4th to Friday, October 15th.  True or False
38. What was this new calendar called?
39. Which country and territory didn’t use the Gregorian calendar?
40. In what year did this country and territory change to the Gregorian calendar?
41. Did the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar agree?
42. By 1745 these calendars were ________ days apart.
43. In the 1740s before American changed to the Gregorian calendar, what did people have to write after the date in order not to be confused with the date?

Chapter 5: How We Got the Week

44. The old Romans divided the months into periods.  What were these periods called?
45. What did they call the first day of the month?
46. How did we get the word calendar?
47. In what continent did the seven-day week get started?
48. How did it get to the western part of the world?
49. When was the seven-day week added to the calendar?
50. Roughly when did Christianity become the official religion of Rome?
51. The seven-day week were named after planets.  What is the name of Sunday in German?
52. What is the name of Sunday in Latin?
53. What is the name of Monday in German?
54. What is the name of Monday in Latin?
55. What is the name of Tuesday in German?
56. What is the name of Tuesday in Latin?
57. What is the name of Wednesday in German?
58. What is the name of Wednesday in Latin?
59. What is the name of Thursday in German?
60. What is the name of Thursday in Latin?
61. What is the name of Friday in German?
62. What is the name of Friday in Latin?
63. What is the name of Saturday in German?
64. What is the name of Saturday in Latin?

Chapter 6: A.D. and B.C.

65. What does A.D. mean?
66. What does it mean in Latin?
67. Who came up with the idea we should count our years from the birth of Christ?
68. What does B.C. mean?

Friday, January 10, 2014

Miki and the North Wind by Anne Miranda

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Book: Miki and the North Wind
Author: Anne Miranda
ISBN: 978-0-02-202699-8

Chapter 1: Missing

1. What does “Miki” mean in the Inupiac language?
2. What happened to Miki’s father during a hunting trip?
3. Did the uncle give up hope in finding his brother?
4. Did Miki and his mother give up hope in Miki’s father returning home?
5. Did Miki and his mother believe Miki’s father was still alive?
6. What happened when the family ran out of food?
7. Did Miki catch any fish?
8. What happened to Miki on his way home?
9. What do you think is the North Wind?
10. What did Miki say to the North Wind?
11. What did the North Wind do with Miki?
12. Where did Miki’s mother find Miki?
13. In what condition was Miki when his mother found him?
14. How did Miki’s mother react, when she heard that the North Wind took the fish and Miki’s father’s hook?
15. How far is the North Wind’s home from where Miki lives?

Chapter 2: The Special Pot

16. Did Miki eventually make it to the North Wind’s house?
17. Did the North Wind take Miki’s fish and his father’s hook?
18. How does the North Wind feel/think of about Miki?
19. What does the North Wind give Miki?
20. What does Miki have to do to get food
21. Where did Miki stop on his way home from meeting the North Wind?
22. Who or what greeted Miki in front of his uncle’s house?
23. Did the uncle offer Miki to stay at first?
24. What did Miki say that the uncle allowed him to stay?
25. Did Miki feed his uncle and the dogs?
26. What did Miki’s uncle do while Miki was sleeping?
27. What happened when Miki got home and said, “Pot, pot, cook food”?
28. Did Miki’s mother feel that the North Wind tricked her son?
29. What did she tell Miki to do?

Chapter 3: The Special Sack

30. Did the North Wind deny taking Miki’s father’s fur?
31. What did the North Wind give Miki?
32. What does this special sack do?
33. What did Miki give his uncle?
34. What did Miki give the dogs?
35. What happened when Miki got home?
36. What did Miki feel the North Wind did to him?

Chapter 4: The Special Stick

37. This is now the third time Miki visits the North Wind.  How does he approach the North Wind?
38. The North Wind tells Miki he didn’t take anything from him.  He gives Miki a _______________     ______________________ to find out who took his things.
39. Who did Miki visit after receiving the stick from the North Wind?
40. Who tried to take Miki’s stick?
41. Who took Miki’s stick instead?
42. What happened to the dogs once Miki said, “Stick, stick, do your work!”?
43. Who ran away with the stick once the father and uncle turned human?
44. What did the false uncle turn to?
45. What is a shape-shifter?
46. Who or what blew the raven far away?
47. Who guided Miki, Miki’s father, and the uncle home?
48. Compare and contrast yourself to Miki.
49. Quote 3 facts from the story.
50. Quote 3 opinions from the story.
51. Choose an event that happened in the story and explain the cause and the effect of the event.

Wilma Rudolph: A True Winner by Terre Lintner

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Book: Wilma Rudolph: A True Winner
Author: Terre Lintner
ISBN: 978-0-02-203176-3


1. Where is the setting?
2. What is the event?
3. What year is it?
4. Who is the athlete?
5. How many medals did she win?

Chapter 1: A Sickly Childhood

6. In what year was Wilma born?
7. In what state was Wilma born?
8. How many brothers and sisters did Wilma have?
9. What was the disease Wilma contracted when she was four?
10. How far did Wilma’s family had to travel for her to receive treatment?
11. Why couldn’t Wilma’s family take Wilma to a local hospital?
12. At this time, the doctors believed that Wilma wouldn’t be able to walk.  True or False
13. Who developed the polio vaccine in 1955?
14. When was polio eliminated from the United States?

Chapter 2: An Unusual Nickname

15. By what age was Wilma’s leg strong again that she wouldn’t need the leg brace?
16. How old was she when she first used the leg brace?
17. For how many years did she wear the leg brace?
18. In what grade, did Wilma join the basketball team?
19. What nickname did the basketball coach give her?
20. In what grade did Wilma finally get playing time during a game?
21. Did Wilma win any races in the track meet at Tuskegee University?

Chapter 3: Training with the Tigerbelles

22. Who was the coach of the Tennessee State University Girls’ Track Team?
23. After a summer of heavy training, Wilma was accepted by what team?
24. What year was this?
25. How old was Wilma?
26. Where were the Olympics held in 1956?
27. Did Wilma win a medal at these Olympics?
Chapter 4: The 1960 Olympic Games

28. Where were the Olympics held in 1960?
29. In what competition did Wilma win her first gold medal?
30. In what competition did Wilma win her second gold medal?
31. In what competition did Wilma win her third gold medal?
32. Using text clues from the story, which events that she won gold medals were individual events?  Which are team events?
33. Why was Wilma’s Olympic return celebration special for her hometown?

Chapter 5: Wilma’s Lasting Legacy

34. What was the name of the foundation Wilma created in 1981?
35. What did the foundation provide?
36. How did Wilma help other women athletes?
37. In what year did Wilma die?
38. How old was Wilma when she died?
39. What was Wilma’s illness that caused her death?
40. What did the U.S. Postal Service release in 2004 to honor Wilma Rudolph?
41. What is the name of the award that is awarded to a woman athlete who exhibits extraordinary courage?
42. Who presents this award?

Force and Motion in Sports by Glen Phelan

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Book: Force and Motion in Sports
Author: Glen Phelan
ISBN: 978-0-02-202568-7


1. What sport is introduced in the Introduction?

Chapter 1: A World of Motion

2. What is motion?
3. What type of motion does a flying disc represent?
4. What type of motion does humming represent?
5. What is velocity?
6. What is acceleration?

Chapter 2: Forces Make It Go

7. What is force?
8. Muscles often work in pairs to allow body movement.  True or False
9. When one muscle relaxes, the other muscle pulls on bones to move your body.  True or False

Chapter 3: Invisible Forces

10. Gravity pulls all objects at the same rate.  True or False
11. Any two objects that fall from the same height at the same time will hit the ground at the same time.   True or False
12. What is gravity?
13. What is a projectile?
14. What is friction?
15. Friction makes you go fast.  True or False
16. Does friction occur when a solid object touches liquid and gas?
17. What is friction with the air called?


18. What sport do you play that uses force and motion?

Kids Work by Laura Shallop

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Book: Kids Work
Author: Laura Shallop
ISBN: 978-0-02-202654-7


1. Is it ever too early to think about a career?
2. What is an employee?
3. What is an entrepreneur?
4. What is a trait of an entrepreneur?
5. Can any kid become an entrepreneur?
6. What are some of the benefits of becoming your own boss or being self-employed?

Chapter 1: A Hobby Grows into a Business

7. What hobby did Kenny Kirkpatrick have?
8. What did Kenny call his company?
9. How old was Kenny when he ordered a pen kit?
10. How old was Kenny when he started selling his wood-covered pens?
11. What type of business did Crystal Ann Ramous start?
12. What type of camp did Crystal attend?
13. What was the name of the camp?
14. Who organized the camp?
15. What did Elise Mcmillan learn from her grandmother?
16. At 10 years old Elise was selling ____________________________  _______________________ to her neighbors.
17. In what year was the Chocolate Farm open?
18. Was Elise’s brother, Evan, involved in the business before or after the launch of the website?
19. How many visitors does the website get?
20. Using text clues, was Evan a factor on the success of the business?
21. How much money does Chocolate Farm generate annually?
22. Who did YoungBiz magazine name top youth food business in the U.S.?
23. In what year was this award given?
24. How many years after they launch the website did they receive this award?

Chapter 2: Kid Entrepreneurs have Great Ideas

25. How did Erica Gluck start her business?
26. What were the top 10 Kid-owned businesses in 2001?
27. We are in 2014.  This list is 13 years old.  Which businesses do you think are still possible today?
28. How old was Tyrone Gray when he started his printing services?
29. What is marketing?
30. What is the Chamber of Commerce?

Chapter 3: Kid Entrepreneurs Love Their Work

31. What is the name of Aaron Greenspan’s business?
32. How old was Aaron when he became president of his company?
33. Why does Aaron feel that building his business on the Internet is better for him?
34. How did Pankaj Arora start his business?
35. What is the name of Pankaj Arora’s business?
36. What is the secret that Pankaj Arora discovered?
37. Pankaj turned down a job that was going to pay him $____________________________.
38. There’s a foundation that provides computers for children in Jamaica and Brazil.  What is the name of that foundation?
39. How are Pankaj Arora Software and Think Computer alike?
40. Compare and Contrast Ken’s Pens, The Chocolate Farm, and TMCP Printing.
41. Compare and Contrast the businesses of Crystal Ann Ramous and Erica Gluck.
42. Pankaj gives some advice in starting your own business on page 14.  Why is the first advice of “think and prepare before you make a decision” important?
43. Why is advice #2, “know your stuff,” important?
44. Why is advice #3, “never quit,” important?
45. Why is advice #4, “don’t expect success overnight,” important?
46. What is the name of the creative teenager who decided to cut a giant maze into her family’s cornfield?
47. What did Kelsey do before she started her business?
48. What is the name of Travis’s business?
49. How old was Travis when he started his business?
50. What type of business does Travis Keith Bruce have?
51. Compare and Contrast Deaton’s Corn Maze with T.K. Worm Factory.
52. By using text clues, make a list of the following businesses by biggest moneymaker to least.  Then explain why: Ken’s Pens, Crystal Ann Ramous’ Flower Service Business, The Chocolate Farm, Erica Gluck’s Pasta Business, TMCP Printing, Think Computer, Pankaj Arora Software, Deaton’s Corn Maze, and T.K. Worm Factory

Chapter 4: Kid Entrepreneurs Make a Difference

53. Compare and Contrast “Starting Your Own Business” on page 14 to “Path to Change” on page 18.
54. What is “Do Something”?
55. Compare and Contrast Megan Britton’s charity garage sale with Bryan Condy’s “Do Something.”  Using text clues, which raises more money.
56. “Kids Saving the Rainforest” (KSTR) was started by ________________________________________ and  ________________________________________.
57. How did KSTR get started?
58. In which country is KSTR located?

This Friend, That Friend by Frances Ruffin

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Book: The Fisherman and the Well/ This Friend, That Friend
             A Tale from The Arabian Nights
Author: Frances Ruffin
ISBN: 978-0-02-202361-4, 978-0-02-202640-0


1. What are “the Arabian Nights”?
2. Where do “the Arabian Nights” originate?
3. What happened with each retelling of “The Arabian Nights” tales?
4. What happened to these stories over time?
5. What do the common tales describe in their stories?

Chapter 1: The Sultan’s Plan/ An Impossible Task

6. What did the Sultan want? Why?
7. What does the Sultan mean by asking his advisor if they have a policy that he can get the fisherman’s land?
8. Who ordered the fisherman to the palace?
9. What was the task according to the advisor?
10. What was the job the Sultan had for the fisherman?
11. What does the fisherman do right after receiving this task?

Chapter 2: Help From a Friend/A Helpful Friend

12. Where was the well located?
13. Where was the well near?
14. What does the well give to the fisherman?
15. What does the fisherman’s wife tell her husband to do?
16. What happened as the fisherman did as his wife said and a beautiful carpet appeared?
17. What is the Sultan’s next task for the fisherman?
18. How many days did the fisherman have for the first task?
19. How many days does the fisherman have for the second task?
20. What was the fisherman’s reaction on page 6, when told of the first task?
21. What was the fisherman’s reaction on page 11, when told of the second task?
22. Why are the fisherman’s reactions different?

Chapter 3: A Baby’s Story

23. What does the fisherman return to the well?
24. What does the fisherman’s wife tell him to do?
25. What appeared from the well?
26. What did the fisherman’s wife tell her husband to do when he enters the great hall with the baby boy?
27. What did the baby say at the beginning?
28. What did the Sultan ask the baby?
29. In the baby’s tale, he bought a ______________________.  After cutting it open, what did the baby boy see inside?
30. After the baby boy went inside the pumpkin, what did a donkey give him?
31. What was inside the cake?
32. Did the Sultan get upset at this point in the story, if so how did he react?
33. Did the baby boy fear the Sultan?  How do you know, use text from the story to support your answer.
34. Other than a story of lies, what else does the baby reveal?
35. Was the crowd sad, angry, or pleased?
36. How did the fisherman and his wife live afterwards?
37. Using text clues, who is wiser?  The Sultan or his Advisor.
38. Using text clues, who is wiser?  The fisherman or his wife.

The Wood Sprite by Rebecca Motil

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Book: The Wood Sprite
Author: Rebecca Motil
ISBN: 978-0-02-203068-1

Chapter 1: The Caterpillars

1. What type of feeling did Stella have that morning?
2. What was Stella’s favorite place?
3. Where was her favorite place?
4. What was Stella’s goal that morning?
5. Stella’s father made a comment/request.  What was it?
6. What did Stella place inside her backpack?
7. Where did Stella live?
8. Which flowers did Stella use in her bouquet?
9. What type of animals swam in the pond?
10. What felt wonderful on her toes?
11. Were there many farms, open fields, and wooded areas where Stella lives?
12. What type of tree did Stella fall asleep under?
13. Stella was thinking about pollution before she fell asleep.  What were her thoughts?
14. What wrote the word “COME” and then created an arrow?
15. What crossed Stella’s path as she entered the woods?
16. Stella ran into some animals.  List them in the order she saw them and what she fed them.

Chapter 2: The Bear

17. What did Stella use to light up the dark path?
18. What did Stella run into that she feared for her life?
19. What saved Stella from her encounter? (A)
20. What did A say to Stella?

Chapter 3: The Net

21. What did Stella mean when she said, “Now I know what a fly feels like when it gets caught in a spider web”?
22. While walking on the path, Stella got caught on ________________.  Then ___________________ came to her rescue by _______________________ on the net.  After one squirrel gave Stella a little bow, it said, “Because you shared your _______________________ with me.  You are fee to continue on the path.”

Chapter 4: The Fork in the Path

23. How did Stella decide which way to go when she reached the fork on the road?
24. Which way did Stella go, right or left?
25. Stella approached a glade filled with sunlight.  What did she see/encounter at the glade?
26. What did the caterpillars in the bag turn to?

Chapter 5: The Queen of the Sprites

27. Who was the sprite as tall as her? (B)
28. What did B give Stella? ( C)
29. Why did Stella get C?
30. What did the Queen of Sprites make Stella?
31. What are Stella’s responsibilities as a “Special Wood Sprite”?
32. Do you think Stella was dreaming?   Use text clues from the story to support your answer.

Fighting for Rights by Ann M. Rossi

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Book: Fighting for Rights
Author: Ann M. Rossi
ISBN: 978-0-02-202941-8


1. “In the early 1800s women in the United States had few rights.” What types of jobs could they do?
2. What types of jobs couldn’t they do?
3. Could women vote during this time?
4. Did men and women earn the same for the same type of job?
5. When a woman married, who got to keep all her property?
6. Did the wife have control of her money and who decided if she got spending money?
7. Who stayed with the children if they divorced?
8. Which two women played a role in changing the way women should be treated?

Chapter 1: Elizabeth Cady Stanton

9. In what year was Elizabeth Cady born?
10. What did Elizabeth’s father studied?
11. In what field did Elizabeth’s father work?
12. What did Elizabeth’s father let her read at home?
13. How many brothers and sisters did Elizabeth have?
14. Did colleges accept women in the 1830s?
15. What was the name of Elizabeth’s cousin who introduced her to people who wanted to end slavery?
16. Who did her cousin introduce her to?
17. When people got married in the 1840s, what word was included in most wedding vows?
18. What were women expected to do when they married in the 1840s?
19. To what city did the Stanton’s travel to in 1840 for a antislavery meeting?
20. Who did Elizabeth meet in London?
21. The men attending the 1840 antislavery meeting in London planted a seed on their wives.  What was the seed?
22. Lucretia Mott was aQ_________________ minister and a well-known a______________.  She started the P_____________________ F______________________ A____________________________ S_________________________.
23. In what year was the trip to London?
24. In what year was the convention held?
25. How many years had passed between the trip and the convention?
26. Why do you think it took so long to hold their first convention?
27. Compare and contrast yourself to Lucretia Mott or Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
28. What did the women right for their first convention?
29. How many women wrote this document?
30. What was this document about?
31. What was a big idea in this document?
32. Imagine if once you reached 18years old, you couldn’t vote.  Compare and contrast how your life would change and stay the same.
33. Where was the convention held?
34. What was the Declaration of Sentiments modeled after?
35. Were the newspapers for or against the goals of the convention?

Chapter 2: Susan B. Anthony

36. What did the Quakers believe in the 1820s?
37. Was this belief rare in the 1820s and why?
38. Susan was born 5 years after Elizabeth.  In what year was Susan born?
39. Susan learned to read by the age of ____________.
40. What did Susan’s father decide to do?
41. In what state did Susan go to boarding school?
42. What did Susan’s father own?
43. What profession did Susan do when she finished school?
44. What was the name of the academy that Susan taught in?
45. What type of group did Susan join?
46. What is a temperance group?
47. What was the Underground Railroad?
48. The slaves that escaped through the Underground Railroad went to the country of ______________________.  Why did they go to this country?
49. Who, was an escaped captive and famous abolitionist, helped people escape using the Underground Railroad?
50. In what year did Susan and Elizabeth meet?
51. How did they meet?
52. Give one fact for chapter 1, write and quote the sentence here:___________________________________________________________________________________
53. Give one opinion for chapter 1, write and quote the sentence here: _________________________________________________________________________________________
54. What event in 1852 changed Susan’s life that made her decide to start a temperance group ran by women?

Chapter 3: Working Together
55. Compare and contrast the two women, Susan and Elizabeth, on page 15.
56. What was the 1854 petition about?
57. What event caused the women’s rights movement to slowdown during the years of 1861 to 1865?
58. In 1863, Elizabeth and Susan helped form a group called the __________________________________________________________________________.  This group collected ____________________________ of people who supported an end to slavery.
59. Why were the signatures important?
60. Why was this amendment important?
61. Disagreement over what issue caused suffragists to form two groups in 1869?
62. What were the names of the two suffrage groups?
63. What was NWSA supporting?
64. Who was not allowed to join NWSA?
65. What was AWSA supporting?
66. If you were living back then, which group would you join and why?
67. In what year were women allowed to vote in 2 states?
68. How many years passed since the disagreement of the two groups (1869) and the two states allowing women to vote?
69. In what year did the two suffrage groups merge?
70. What was the name of this new group?
71. What number was the amendment that gave the women the right to vote?
72. How many states had to ratify it to become law?
73. When was the 19th Amendment passed?
74. In what year did Elizabeth die?
75. In what year did Susan die?
76. How many years after Elizabeth Stanton died, did the 19th Amendment get passed?
77. How many years after Susan B. Anthony died, did the 19th Amendment pass?
78. Who started the League of Women Voters?
79. In what year did she start this?
80. What was her belief in starting this organization?
81. This organization was designed to ____________  ______________________ become educated about political issues.
82. What did the organization encourage women to do?

Jin by Bob McCall

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Book: Jin
Author: Bob McCall
ISBN: 978-0-02-202750-6

Chapter 1: Free

1. What was the big wooden house called?
2. Where were the barracks located?
3. What was the little sister’s name?
4. What was the older sister’s name?
5. What filled the harbor air?
6. Were the people allowed to leave the barracks without permission?

Chapter 2: Gateway to the Pacific

7. Who led Li Mei to the dock?
8. Why couldn’t the girls cross the border to see their father?
9. What is a boycott?
10. What could be accomplished by boycotts according to Mrs. Chow?
11. Who always wanted to hear a story?
12. Who was brought by boat from San Francisco to cook?

Chapter 3: The Cook, the Poet, and the Letter

13. When were the women allowed out of the barracks?
14. What did Big Kwan give the girls?
15. Who did Jin run into on the way to see her mother?
16. What was this man doing?
17. Why was this man carving a poem on the wall?
18. Why didn’t the man write the poem on paper?
19. What did Jin’s father’s letter say?
20. Who came to Jin and her mother as they were heading back to the barracks? (A)
21. What job did A have on the island?

Chapter 4: The Test

22. Li Mei asked, “why is it so hard to get into America?”  Why was it difficult for her family to get into the U.S.?
23. Who in the U.S. was afraid of Chinese workers?  Why were they afraid?
24. Mrs. Schwartz told Li Mei that she wasn’t taking a test.  She was just going to answer some questions.  What was the reason for the questions?
25. What is a “paper daughter”?
26. How many people questioned Li Mei?
27. What type of questions did the three men ask?
28. One of the officers asked, “Who is Old Ming?”  What did she answer?
29. One man asked, “What happened to his family?”  How did Li Mei answer this question?
30. The man with the glasses asked, “Little girl, could you tell me where the well in your village is?”  What was Li Mei’s answer?
31. Where did Li Mei say the well was located?
32. What is Li Mei’s job at the village?
33. How did Li Mei feel after the interview/test?
34. Mrs. Schwarz said she came to the U.S. from another country.  Which country is she from?
35. Who gave Li Mei the news that she was going to the U.S.?

Back to School by Sunita Apte

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Book: Back to School
Author: Sunita Apte
ISBN: 978-0-02-202432-1

Chapter 1: Coming Home

1. Where were Commander Assad and Rae heading?
2. How long were they in space?
3. Who is the astronaut-in-training?
4. What is the name of the pilot?
5. Rae Chen is a junior member of which mission/organization?
6. How did she become a member of the mission?
7. In what year were students allowed to travel to space?
8. How many students were picked for this mission?
9. Who selected the student for the Lotus Mission?
10. How was the student selected?

Chapter 2: The Landing

11. What was Rae’s first reaction when she woke up?
12. After she came out of her capsule, what did she do first?
13. Where did the space ship land?
14. What did Rae say to the man walking down the road?
15. Which way did the man say to go?
16. Who did he say to ask for a ride?
17. How was the man dressed?
18. What color was his hair?

Chapter 3: A Strange School

19. Where did the policewoman take Rae?
20. Did the policewoman believe Rae?
21. What was the name of the school Rae was taken to?
22. What id the policewoman mean by saying, “You better watch it, or a kid like you will get retested.  You might end up sorting paper clips for the rest of your life.”?

Chapter 4: Everything Is Explained

23. The classrooms didn’t have numbers, they had ___________.
24. What types of names were listed, instead of numbers?
25. What type of clothes weren’t the students wearing?
26. What type of clothes for uniforms were they wearing?
27. What color were the plumbers’ uniforms?
28. What color were the architects’ uniforms?
29. What color uniform was the boy sitting in the Doctors’ classroom wearing?
30. What is the name of the boy?
31. In what class does Rae belong in according to boy?
32. Why does she belong in that classroom?
33. According to the boy, kids no longer decide what they want to study.  What action decides what they are going to study?
34. What date did Rae give Max for today’s date?
35. What year did Max say it was?
36. How many years in the future did she return back to Earth?
37. How old are you when you get tested for skills?
38. Who decides what job is best for you?
39. What happens to kids that don’t test well or get into trouble?

Chapter 5: Going Home Again

40. To whom did Max take Rae for help?
41. What was the Principal’s name?
42. How did they get to the site where the spaceship was located?
43. Did Max solve the computer’s processor problem?
44. What is one of the rules astronauts follow?
45. Once Rae returns to Earth, can she tell others about the future?
46. What is Rae going to fight against once they are created?
47. What feeling did Rae have at the end?

The Goldsmith's Apprentice by Kirsten Anderson

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Book: The Goldsmith’s Apprentice
Author: Kirsten Anderson
ISBN: 978-0-02-202981-4

Chapter 1: A Glorious Day in Florence

1. Who is the owner of the goldsmith shop?
2. From whose perspective is the story being told?
3. What is the name of Piero’s fellow apprentice?
4. Why was Piero going to Signor Trocciano’s house?
5. How many apprentices did Signor Agnolo have?

Chapter 2: A Promise to Keep

6. Who declared a holiday in the honor of his son’s wedding?
7. What did the people of the town do during this holiday?
8. What did the groom throw at the audience?
9. What did Piero and Benvenuto buy with the coins?
10. What did the two apprentices decide to do after the parade?
11. Who did they encounter while practicing their sketching?
12. Where was Principessa Maria visiting from?

Chapter 3: Working Undercover

13. Who showed up to the shop?
14. What did this person want?
15. Where did the apprentice live?
16. Who caught them working on the brooch that night?
17. How much was Principessa Maria paying Benvenuto?
18. How much of the money was Benvenuto suppose to give Signor Agnolo?
19. How much did he give Piero?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Extreme Weather by Susan Ring

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Book: Extreme Weather
Author: Susan Ring
ISBN: 978-0-02-202544-1


1. What do Meteorologists use to forecast the weather?

Chapter 1: Rain

2. What is rain?
3. What is water vapor?
4. What is the atmosphere?
5. What is the lower 6 miles of the atmosphere called?
6. What is a characteristic of the troposphere?
7. How are floods created?
8. What are thunderstorms?
9. How are lightning bolts created?
10. The amount of light produced by a flash of lightning is about the same as _________________________ light bulbs.
11. The lightning flash does not produce head.  True or False
12. The lightning flash is not 5 times hotter than the sun.  True or False
13. What is thunder?
14. What is a supercell?
15. What is the difference between a thunderstorm and a supercell?
16. What is mist?
17. Mist is made up of billions of small droplets of water suspended in the air.  True or False
18. What is fog?
19. What is a monsoon?
20. In which continent do the people write poems, play music, and have festivals that honor monsoons?
21. In which continent is the monsoon seen as a symbol of a mythic five-toed dragon?

Chapter 2: Ice and Snow

22. What is an ice storm?
23. What is sleet?
24. What is the coldest temperature recorded in the United States?
25. Where was this coldest temperature recorded?
26. What are snowflakes?
27. How many sides do snowflakes have?
28. How is a blizzard created?
29. How strong are the winds during a blizzard?
30. If you were walking outside, can you see during a blizzard?
31. What is a whiteout?
32. How many inches of snow does the South Pole get a year?
33. What are hailstones?
34. There’s a region in the U.S. that hailstorms occur often.  What is this region called?
35. What states are included in this region?
36. How long do hailstorms last?
37. What does hail sound like?

Dorothea Lange, The Eye of a Photographer by June Avignone

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Book: Dorothea Lange, The Eye of a Photographer
Author: June Avignone
ISBN: 978-0-02-203058-2

Chapter 1: Looking Closely at the World

1. In what year was Dorothea Lange born?
2. Where was Dorothea Lange born?
3. What happened to Dorothea when she was seven years old?
4. What happened to her right foot?
5. To what city did Dorothea moved to with her mother?
6. What was the name of the university that Lange attended?
7. What was the name of Lange’s professor?

Chapter 2: Portraits by a Young Artist

8. At age 22, Lange moved to ______________________________, California.
9. Who is credited with this quote?  “You put your camera around your neck along with putting on your shoes, and there it is, a part of your body that shares your life with you.  The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.”
10. What was the name of Dorothea’s husband?
11. How many children did they have?
12. What were the boys’ names?
13. “Dixon made his living painting __________________________  ________________________.
14. What happened in 1929?
15. How many people were out of work by 1933?
16. What happened to Lange and Dixon during this period?
17. What was this period known as?
18. What was the wealthy woman who set up the breadline known as?

Chapter 3: Capturing the Great Depression

19. What program was developed by the New Deal program?
20. What was the name of Lange’s second husband?
21. When was the Dust Bowl?
22. What happened during the Dust Bowl?
23. Which U.S. writer wrote about this time period?
24. Lange did not considered herself an activist.  True or False
25. Lange’s work is often called _________________________________  ______________________ because it records a time in history.

Chapter 4: World War II and Beyond

26. What happened on December 7, 1941?
27. What did President Roosevelt do?
28. When did Lange die?

Sleeping Beauty and the Prince of Andequesta by Rebecca Motil

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Book: Sleeping Beauty and the Prince of Andequesta
Author: Rebecca Motil
ISBN: 978-0-02-202897-8

Scene 1: After School

1. Who got the part of Sleeping Beauty in the play?
2. Whose house are they going to celebrate?
3. Who said that Pauline is too busy and never has fun?
4. Who said that Pauline is like Sleeping Beauty?
5. Who had to go to soccer practice?
6. Who thinks Rafael is cool?
7. Who thinks Rafael is a real prince of a guy?

Scene 2: The Soccer Game

8. Who scored a goal in a soccer game?
9. What language is Pauline taking in school?

Scene 3: The Phone Call

10. Who was the man in the suit that handed him the cell phone?
11. Rafael’s father is king of __________________________.
12. Rafael’s father is king of a small island off the coast of what continent?

Scene 4: The Rehearsal

13. Who will now play Sleeping Beauty since Pauline didn’t show up?
14. How long did the group wait for Pauline?

Scene 5: The Next Day

15. At the end, did Pauline forgive Rafael?

A Change of Weather by Kirsten Anderson

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Book: A Change of Weather
Author: Kirsten Anderson
ISBN: 978-0-02-202343-0

Chapter 1: Lonely Town

1. Where do Mark and Alicia live?
2. Their town is located outside of what city?
3. In what state is the town located?
4. Mark and Alicia just moved from ________________________.
5. What were the names of Alicia’s friends in Miami?
6. What was the name of their dog?

Chapter 2: Weather Trouble

7. What was the name of the elementary school they attended?
8. What was the name of Mark’s elementary teacher?
9. What was the name of Alicia’s elementary teacher?
10. What are Mark and Alicia going to do their project on?
11. What were the names of Alicia’s classmates she saw at the library?
12. Why was their mother not able to pick them up at 3pm?

Chapter 3: Making the Best of Things

13. What did Alicia pick up at the picture book section?
14. Who asked Alicia what she was reading?
15. What sports do Alicia and Julie have in common?
16. What did Mark do to help stop the children from crying in the library?

Chapter 4: Library Party

17. Who gave them something to eat?
18. What were they offer to eat as the storm past?
19. As their mother pulled-up to the library, she said “I hope you two weren’t too bored.”

Friday, January 3, 2014

Survival in the Sahara Desert by Kathy Kinsner

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Book: Survival in the Sahara Desert
Author: Kathy Kinsner
ISBN: 978-0-02-202937-1


1. Which desert is over 3,500,000 square miles?
2. What desert is about the same size of the United States?
3. Over how many countries does the Sahara Desert stretch?
4. Deserts begin as rocks.  True or False

Chapter 1: Plants: Surviving in a Dry Climate

5. What is the name of the plant that has adapted to survive in the desert?
6. Where do Date Palms grow?
7. What do humans use the fruit from a Date Palm for?
8. What do humans use the seeds from a Date Palm for?
9. What do humans use the wood and leaves for?
10. What do humans use the sap from a Date Palm for?

Chapter 2: Animals: Surviving in Extreme Heat

11. Where do the fennec fox and the jerboa sleep during the day?
12. The fennec fox looks like what type of animal?
13. What is a jerboa?
14. How fast can a jerboa run?
15. How high can a jerboa leap?
16. What is a desert monitor?
17. How long can a desert monitor grow?
18. How far can a desert monitor travel in search for food?
19. Why are desert monitors endanger?
20. What do silver ants have internally that track how many steps they take?
21. How has a camel adapted to the desert?

Chapter 3: People: Surviving in the Desert

22. What is a nomad?
23. Who are the Tuareg?
24. What does Tuareg mean?
25. What are the Tuareg often called?
26. Who is known for their fighting ability and their artwork?
27. What are qanats?

Preserving Unique Places, Our National Parks by Emily Wortman-Wunder

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Book: Preserving Unique Places, Our National Parks
Author: Emily Wortman-Wunder
ISBN: 978-0-02-202829-9

Chapter 1: Badlands National Park

1. In which state is the Badlands National Park located?
2. What color is the earth at the Badlands National Park?
3. Long ago the Badlands resembled what state?
4. What is the most popular activity at the Badlands National Park?
5. What is the name of the Native American nation that lives near the Badlands National Park?

Chapter 2: Death Valley National Park

6. Where is Death Valley located?
7. What nation was living in this land when the European settlers arrived?
8. When did Death Valley become a National Park?
9. A desert is a place that gets less than 10 inches of rain every year.  True or False
10. What is the name of the fish you can find in Death Valley?

Chapter 3: Everglades National Park

11. When were the Everglades created?
12. Can you find pine forests in the Everglades?
13. Can you find a savanna in the Everglades?
14. The marsh in the Everglades is covered with ______________________.
15. Which writer called the sawgrass of the Everglades a “river of Grass”?
16. In what year was the Everglades National Park created?
17. What are the names of the four Native American nations that live in the Everglades?
18. Compare and Contrast the Badlands National Park, Death Valley National Park, and the Everglades National Park.