Thursday, December 26, 2013

My Brother Martin by Christine King Farris

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Book: My Brother Martin
Author: Christine King Farris
ISBN: 978-0689843884

1. How much older is Martin’s sister?
2. Who did the house belong to?
3. What was the name of their grandparents?
4. What was the name of the aunt that lived with them?
5. What was Martin’s nickname?
6. After Martin was born, did his family have another baby boy or girl?
7. Alfredo was named after his ______________________________.
8. What was the sister’s name?
9. What prank did the children do to unsuspecting passerbyers that involved a fur piece?
10. What was the name of the piano teacher?
11. What was the name of the city they grew up in?
12. In what state is that city located?
13. What type of laws did Atlanta have?
14. To whom were these laws unfair to?
15. Because of these laws, the King family rarely went to ___________________________ or visited __________________________.
16. What was the name of their neighborhood?
17. Why was it called Sweet Auburn?
18. Did the King boys play with the boys whose parents owned the grocery store?
19. Why did the boys from the grocery stop playing with the King boys?
20. On page 148, what did Martin say to his mother that his sister remembers to this day?
21. What was the name of the church that Martin’s father was a minister?
22. The book says that Martin’s father practiced what he preached, standing up for yourself when confronted with hatred and bigotry.  What did his father do when a shoe salesman would only serve them at the back of the store because they were African-American?

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